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titillate 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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titillated, past tense; titillated, past participle; titillating, present participle; titillates, 3rd person singular present;
  1. Stimulate or excite (someone), esp. in a sexual way
    • - these journalists are paid to titillate the public
  2. Lightly touch; tickle

  1. tickle: touch (a body part) lightly so as to excite the surface nerves and cause uneasiness, laughter, or spasmodic movements
  2. excite pleasurably or erotically; "A titillating story appeared in the usually conservative magazine"
  3. (titillated) teased: feeling mild pleasurable excitement
  4. (titillating) pleasantly and superficially exciting
  5. (titillating) erotic: giving sexual pleasure; sexually arousing
  6. (titillating) tickling: exciting by touching lightly so as to cause laughter or twitching movements
  7. (titillation) a tingling feeling of excitement (as from teasing or tickling)
  8. (titillation) an agreeable arousal
  9. (titillation) tickle: the act of tickling
  10. To stimulate or excite pleasantly
  11. (Titillated) interested or excited in an enjoyable and often sexual way.
  12. delayed onset of female puberty.