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tinker 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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tinkers, plural;
  1. Attempt to repair or improve something in a casual or desultory way, often to no useful effect
    • - he spent hours tinkering with the car
  2. Attempt to mend (something) in such a way

  1. (esp. in former times) A person who travels from place to place mending metal utensils as a way of making a living

  2. A person who makes minor mechanical repairs, esp. on a variety of appliances and apparatuses, usually for a living

  3. A Gypsy or other person living in an itinerant community

  4. An act of attempting to repair something

  1. a person who enjoys fixing and experimenting with machines and their parts
  2. putter: do random, unplanned work or activities or spend time idly; "The old lady is usually mucking about in her little house"
  3. formerly a person (traditionally a Gypsy) who traveled from place to place mending pots and kettles and other metal utensils as a way to earn a living
  4. work as a tinker or tinkerer
  5. chub mackerel: small mackerel found nearly worldwide
  6. try to fix or mend; "Can you tinker with the T.V. set--it's not working right"; "She always fiddles with her van on the weekend"
  7. TINKER is a computer software application for molecular dynamics simulation with a complete and general package for molecular mechanics and molecular dynamics, with some special features for biopolymers. ...
  8. Tinker was a Canadian alternative rock band, formed in Montréal in 1993 by Melissa Auf der Maur and Steve Durand. The band reached limited success, before Auf der Maur left and became bassist for Hole. ...
  9. Tyrannosaurus rex, one of the most popular dinosaurs, is known from numerous specimens, some of which have acquired a degree of notability in their own right because of their scientific importance and coverage by the media. See Tyrannosaurus for more information on the genus itself.
  10. Irish Travellers (Lucht siúil) are traditionally nomadic people of Irish origin with their own language and traditions, living predominantly in Ireland and Great Britain but also in the United States of America.
  11. A metalsmith, often shortened to smith, is a person involved in making metal objects. In contemporary use a metalsmith is a person who uses metal as a material, uses traditional metalsmithing techniques (though not necessarily the material), whose work thematically relates to the practice or ...
  12. Microsoft Tinker is a puzzle video game in which the player controls a robot through various mazes and obstacle courses. It was originally released on September 23, 2008 as part of Windows Ultimate Extras, and contained 60 levels including a 20-level tutorial. ...
  13. an itinerant tinsmith and mender of household utensils made of tin; A member of the travelling community. ...
  14. (Tinkering) The process of unplanned trial and error – of experimentation – to see what works and what doesn’t and then move forward with what does (or perhps move forward with what doesn't) (see blog posting for more info)
  15. (Tinkering) is the skill that could be considered central to all creativity in Ultima Online - The ability to fashion tools for use with the other trades makes it a good starting point for any up-and-coming crafter. For example, it allows a miner to create more Shovels as he works. ...
  16. (Tinkers) A wandering people who drive brightly painted wagons and dress in garish clothes, including tab collars, wide ties, bellbottoms, polyester leisure suits, and platform heels. ...
  17. (Tinkers) The Jolly Tinker, a popular Rose Hill Bar
  18. How did the itinerant mender of household utensils [tinker is either a contraction of "worker in tin," or an onomatopoetic word for the sound of pots being repaired] come to be synonymous with "unsuccessful mender" and "bungler"? ...
  19. Those who fix brass and other metal items.
  20. A tinker is a person who fixes and creates all manners of devices and contraptions. They are the true followers of Sacrifice and live mostly in the city of Minoc because of it's close proximity to many precious raw materials. ...
  21. a travelling Tinsmith who repaired items such as household cutlery, pots and pans. You may also come across historical records using the term to refer to travellers or gypsies.
  22. An itinerant tin pot and pan seller and repairman
  23. The Tinker is a friend of Queen Skyla's. As his name implies, he fixes things and is usually a great help to the Sky Dancers, providing them with information and his skills as a tinker. His constantly rhyming dialogue is a running joke in the series.
  24. itinerant mender of kettles and pans
  25. A little nerd who became green due to his scientific experiments. Because all the other kids had laughed at him at school and bullied him, he decided to go to the gym and work so hard that now he is able to carry a garage on his back. ...