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tiller 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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tillers, plural;
  1. Develop tillers

  1. A lateral shoot from the base of the stem, esp. in a grass or cereal

  1. a shoot that sprouts from the base of a grass
  2. stool: grow shoots in the form of stools or tillers
  3. someone who tills land (prepares the soil for the planting of crops)
  4. lever used to turn the rudder on a boat
  5. cultivator: a farm implement used to break up the surface of the soil (for aeration and weed control and conservation of moisture)
  6. A tiller or till is a lever attached to a rudder post (American terminology) or rudder stock (English terminology) of a boat that provides leverage for the helmsman to turn the rudder. ...
  7. A tiller is a stem produced at the base of grass plants. Tillers are segmented, each segment possessing its own two-part leaf. They are involved in vegetative propagation. ...
  8. A person who tills; a farmer; A machine that mechanically tills the soil; To put forth new shoots
  9. (Tillers) Aboveground sideshoots of some types of grass plants. Bunch grasses spread (enlarge) through growth of tillers.
  10. A lateral shoot that develops from the axillary bud of leaves at the base of a cereal stem.
  11. A type of ladder truck with a second cab at the rear of the truck where a firefighter will steer the rear wheels. Because tiller trucks can steer in the front and the back, they are able to navigate turns that other ladder trucks could not. ...
  12. A metal or wood handle that moves a boat's rudder.
  13. The handle that is used to move the rudder.
  14. An arm attached to the top of the rudder to steer a small boat. If the helmsman wants to steer to starboard he pushes the tiller to port. Larger boats usually use a wheel instead of a tiller.
  15. A bar connected to the rudder and used to steer the boat.
  16. To measure the tiller is to measure the perpindicular distance from the bowstring to the points where the riser and limbs meet. The tiller is the difference in these two measurements.
  17. Shoot of a grass (or cereal) plant, arising from a leaf axil, normally at the base of an older tiller
  18. a person or machine that plows or cultivates the soil.
  19. The piece of timber inserted in the rudder head for steering; usually termed the helm.
  20. Rotational movement of the arrow as it is loosed OR the wooden stock upon which a crossbow is mounted.
  21. the shoot of a grass; usually arising basally and laterally and growing erect.
  22. Strictly a secondary flowering/seedbearing stalk in wheat or other cereal plant. Desirable in that the plant produces a greater number of seeds per seed planted. The term is sometimes used loosely to refer to any, including the primary, flowering stalk.
  23. a bar inserted in the head of a rudder by which a ship is steered.
  24. shoot or branch that grows from the axil (inside base) of a leaf, the point where the leaf joins its own shoot.
  25. The lever by which the rudder is turned.