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tiffs, plural;
  1. A petty quarrel, esp. one between friends or lovers
    • - Joanna had a tiff with her boyfriend

  1. bicker: a quarrel about petty points
  2. Tagged Image File Format (abbreviated TIFF) is a file format for storing images, popular among Apple Macintosh owners, graphic artists, the publishing industry, and both amateur and professional photographers in general. As of 2009, it is under the control of Adobe Systems. ...
  3. The Toronto International Film Festival (TIFF) is a publicly-attended non-competitive film festival held each September in Toronto, Ontario, Canada. ...
  4. This is a list of fictional characters in the Kirby video game series developed by Nintendo.
  5. Baryte, or barite, (BaSO4) is a mineral consisting of barium sulfate. The baryte group consists of baryte, celestine, anglesite and anhydrite. Baryte itself is generally white or colorless, and is the main source of barium. Baryte and celestine form a solid solution (Ba,Sr)SO4.
  6. (Tiffs) For Chief Petty Officer both the shoulder tab insignia and the sleeve insignia from the No.1/No.2 uniforms are shown.
  7. a small argument; a petty quarrel; TIFF: a computer file format used for encoding pictures originally called Tag (or Tagged) Image File Format; to quarrel
  8. A large image file format which cannot be compressed. This file format is not recommended for Photobook Designer as the file sizes are usually quite big and will take longer to upload.
  9. A graphics file that is commonly used in printing for photographs and illustrations needing high resolution.
  10. a common format for scanned photographs.
  11. or TIF: Abbreviation for Tag Image File Format. A file format for storing images on a computer. TIFF files can store very high-quality images with millions of colours, but they are very demanding in terms of storage space. See BMP, EPS, GIF, JPEG/JPG. See also Section 2.2.3., Module 2. ...
  12. This file format type is often used for storing images and line art. It is a widely supported image file format type by many graphics applications and desktop publishing software. Unlike .bmp and .jpg, the .tif file can have multiple pages in a single file.
  13. Compressed-file format for graphic images. The filename extension is .tif.
  14. Originally designed as an 8 bit format for the interchange of data between graphics packages, although it has been substantially extended since its inception. TIFF is very widely supported, but portability problems sometimes occur when different versions of the format are expected.
  15. This is the most common and compatible form of digital stock photo format, this format is uncompressed but gives the highest quality output. Alamy asks for RGB TIFF files from contributors, saved as high quality JPEGs.
  16. TIFF variant enriched with GIS relevant metadata
  17. Popular format of raster file when used for aerial photos It is delivered uncompressed and georeferenced with a world file. Because it is uncompressed it is as perfect a copy of the original photo as is possible.(ITT Space systems) .
  18. Tagged Image File Format, a file format designed by Aldus (now Adobe). TIFF supports virtually every image type and color space imaginable, with a file structure that is practically arbitrary and half a dozen possible compression methods. ...
  19. a file format for color image data, which enables "loss-less compression"
  20. Tagged Image File Format images are stored using a proprietary method currently owned by Adobe.
  21. File format for digital pictures and photos without loss of quality. Ideal for enlargements, fine art giclee reproductions, digital photos and pictures.
  22. When an image is scanned, it must be saved in a manner that allows it to be placed, resized and colored within a page layout program. TIFFs are often used for photographic and continuous tone image scans.
  23. Tagged Image File Format. The standard format for pixel images. It will save the image at the highest quality the image can retain.
  24. Tag Image File Format. A type of file commonly used for transferring bitmapped, greyscale and full colour images between computer applications and/or platforms. These are uncompressed and therefore tend to be large files.
  25. The TIFF format was developed to permit handling of image data on different platforms. It allows image files to be saved with no compression.