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thwack 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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thwacks, 3rd person singular present; thwacked, past tense; thwacked, past participle; thwacking, present participle;
  1. Strike forcefully with a sharp blow
    • - she thwacked the back of their knees with a cane
  1. A sharp blow
    • - he hit it with a hefty thwack

  1. a hard blow with a flat object
  2. smack: deliver a hard blow to; "The teacher smacked the student who had misbehaved"
  3. is an online community of more than 38,000 IT professionals and network engineers. It is hosted by network management software vendor SolarWinds.Michael Vizard, Ziff Davis. “.” October 15, 2008. Retrieved on January 6, 2009.Denise Dubie, Network World. “.” August 4, 2008. ...
  4. The following is a list of episodes of the television series, Harper's Island. The show aired on CBS in the United States and Global TV in Canada, with the pilot premiering on April 9, 2009 as a mid-season replacement following the series finale of Eleventh Hour.
  5. The act of thwacking; a strike or blow, especially with a flat implement; To strike with a wet, slapping sound; To whack or hit with flat implement; To beat
  6. The hollow sound of a perfectly baked loaf just out of the oven.
  7. v., what a cat does with their tail when they’re annoyed
  8. A great blow with a stick across the shoulders.