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threadbare 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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(of cloth, clothing, or soft furnishings) Becoming thin and tattered with age,
  1. (of cloth, clothing, or soft furnishings) Becoming thin and tattered with age
    • - shabby rooms with threadbare carpets
    • - the song was a tissue of threadbare clichés
  2. (of a person, building, or room) Poor or shabby in appearance

  1. banal: repeated too often; overfamiliar through overuse; "bromidic sermons"; "his remarks were trite and commonplace"; "hackneyed phrases"; "a stock answer"; "repeating threadbare jokes"; "parroting some timeworn axiom"; "the trite metaphor `hard as nails'"
  2. having the nap worn away so that the threads show through; "threadbare rugs"
  3. shabby, frayed and worn to an extent that warp threads show; wearing clothes of threadbare material; banal or clichéd; trite or hackneyed