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tessellate 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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tessellated, past participle; tessellated, past tense; tessellating, present participle; tessellates, 3rd person singular present;
  1. Decorate (a floor) with mosaics

  2. Cover (a plane surface) by repeated use of a single shape, without gaps or overlapping

  1. fit together exactly, of identical shapes; "triangles tessellate"
  2. tile with tesserae; "tessellate the kitchen floor"
  3. (tessellated) having a checkered or mottled appearance
  4. (tessellated) decorated with small pieces of colored glass or stone fitted together in a mosaic; "a tessellated pavement"
  5. (tessellation) the careful juxtaposition of shapes in a pattern; "a tessellation of hexagons"
  6. (tessellation) the act of adorning with mosaic
  7. A tessellation or tiling of the plane is a collection of plane figures that fills the plane with no overlaps and no gaps. One may also speak of tessellations of parts of the plane or of other surfaces. Generalizations to higher dimensions are also possible. ...
  8. To cover with tiles or stones, as a mosaic; Of a two-dimensional shape, such that multiple copies of itself placed edge to edge cover an area leaving no space between the shapes; To completely fill (an area) when multiple copies of one or more two-dimensional shapes are placed edge to edge
  9. (Tessellated) Broken up into flakes which are nearly square or rectangular in outline forming a regular pattern. This is an uncommon bark-type in rain forest.
  10. (Tessellated) Describes a planar surface which is divided into smaller polygons.  Effectively, the reason there's a difference between faces and polys. ...
  11. (Tessellated) Forming little geometric shapes, such as squares, triangles, etc.
  12. (Tessellated) bark is broken up into many distinct flakes. They are corkish and can flake off.
  13. (tessellated) a surface with a network of grooves like a tiled wall
  14. (tessellated) occurring in small thick flakes or small squares [image]
  15. (Tessellation) An arrangement of plane figures (usually congruent figures) to cover a surface without overlapping or leaving any gaps.
  16. (tessellation) Reduction of a portion of an analytic surface to a mesh of polygons, or of a portion of an analytic curve to a sequence of lines.
  17. A tessellation is a repeated geometric design that covers a plane without gaps or overlaps.
  18. (Tessellation) The breaking down of a complex shape into more simple ones that represent the same shape.
  19. (Tessellation) A sub-division of space into discrete elements. Raster surfaces sub-divide space into regular tessellations such as pixels. Polygons are examples of irregular tessellations.
  20. (Tessellation) (n) A set of similar or dissimilar shapes that fit together to exhaustively fill space, usually in some regular way.
  21. (Tessellation) Increasing the detail level of a polygonal 3D model by increasing its number of polygons, usually triangles . The more triangles, the smoother the shape and subsequently the larger the model. ...
  22. (Tessellation) a repeating pattern of distinct shapes (see the Gallery or any part of the site for examples)
  23. (Tessellation) in origami a tessellation is a repetitive geometrical pattern of flat folds which is created by pre-creasing and twist-folding a single sheet of paper.
  24. (Tessellation) in physical geometry, laid out or paved in a mosaic pattern of small squares or blocks, usually with the objective of completely covering a surface or completely filling a volume.
  25. (Tessellation) the process of dividing an area into smaller, contiguous tiles with no gaps in between them.