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tenderize 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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tenderizes, 3rd person singular present; tenderizing, present participle; tenderized, past participle; tenderised, past participle; tenderises, 3rd person singular present; tenderising, present participle; tenderised, past tense; tenderized, past tense;
  1. Make (meat) more tender by beating or slow cooking

  1. tender: make tender or more tender as by marinating, pounding, or applying a tenderizer; "tenderize meat"
  2. (tenderizer) a substance (as the plant enzyme papain) applied to meat to make it tender
  3. In cooking, tenderizing is a process to break down collagens in meat to make it more palatable for consumption.
  4. A meat tenderizer or meat mallet is hand-powered tool used to tenderize slabs of meat in preparation for cooking the meat. Generally, it looks like a hammer made of metal or wood, with a short handle and large, sometimes hollow, typically square head. ...
  5. To make meat more tender by pounding with a mallet, marinating for varying periods of time, or storing at lower temperatures. Fat may also be placed into a piece of meat to make it more tender during cooking.
  6. The process of breaking down the collagen in meat to make it easier to consume. Methods used to tenderize meat include pounding it with a mallet, applying a meat tenderizer or soaking it in naturally occurring enzymes such as those found in pineapple or papaya juice.