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teethe 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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teethes, 3rd person singular present; teethed, past participle; teethed, past tense; teething, present participle;
  1. Grow or cut teeth, esp. milk teeth

  1. grow teeth; cut the baby teeth; "The little one is teething now"
  2. (teething) the eruption through the gums of baby teeth
  3. Teething is the process by which an infant's teeth sequentially appear by breaking through the gums. Teething may start as early as three months or as late, in some cases, as twelve months. The typical time frame for new teeth to appear is somewhere between six and nine months. ...
  4. (Teething) The entire process which results in the eruption of the teeth. Nineteenth-century medical reports stated that infants were more prone to disease at the time of teething. Symptoms were restlessness, fretfulness, convulsions, diarrhea, and painful and swollen gums. ...
  5. (Teething) The process of teeth formation which usually occurs within the first year. Teeth form under the gums and are pushed out over time. Usually the bottom front teeth are the first teeth to appear.
  6. (Teething) This is a natural stage in a baby's life in which the first set of teeth (milk teeth) break through the gums. This process is characterised by a range of symptoms such as pain, dribbling, slight fever and chewing.
  7. (Teething) This means the "cutting teeth" in infants which does not cause death. However, infections or malnutrition do result and could be the cause of death.