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teeter 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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teetered, past tense; teetered, past participle; teetering, present participle; teeters, 3rd person singular present;
  1. Move or balance unsteadily; sway back and forth
    • - she teetered after him in her high-heeled sandals
  2. Be unable to decide between different courses; waver
    • - she teetered between tears and anger

  1. move unsteadily, with a rocking motion
  2. seesaw: a plaything consisting of a board balanced on a fulcrum; the board is ridden up and down by children at either end
  3. To tilt back and forth on an edge
  4. The alternative method of tax apportionment for the distribution of tax revenue as established in R&T Code §4702 et seq. It is an accrual method, which recognizes a tax receivable (ATRF) and establishes a tax loss reserve (TLRF), and subsequently simplifies the tax apportionment process. ...
  5. term use in North Shore or Freeride mountain biking to refer to stunts (structures) resembling teeter totters (seesaws) added to the trail to challenge mountain bike riders.
  6. When a monster truck wheelies the front end and the rear tires are on the ground, "teetering" from side to side.