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taxing 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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Physically or mentally demanding,
  1. Physically or mentally demanding
    • - they find the work too taxing

  1. burdensome: not easily borne; wearing; "the burdensome task of preparing the income tax return"; "my duties weren't onerous; I only had to greet the guests"; "a taxing schedule"
  2. (taxation) tax: charge against a citizen's person or property or activity for the support of government
  3. (taxation) tax income: government income due to taxation
  4. (taxation) the imposition of taxes; the practice of the government in levying taxes on the subjects of a state
  5. (Taxes) To tax (from the Latin '; "I estimate", which in turn is from '; "I touch") is to impose a financial charge or other levy upon a taxpayer (an individual or legal entity) by a state or the functional equivalent of a state such that failure to pay is punishable by law.
  6. With respect to an experience: exhausting; draining
  7. (Taxation) As applied to legal expenses or charges including solicitors’ or advocates’ fees incurred in court proceedings or otherwise means the scrutiny of the account by the Auditor of Court to exclude or amend items unjustifiably included or excessively charged.
  8. (Taxation) A compulsory transfer of money (or goods) from private individuals, institutions or groups to the government. It may be levied upon Wealth or Income, or in the form of a surcharge on prices. In the first case, it would be called a direct tax; in the latter, an indirect tax. ...
  9. (Taxation) The right of government to require contribution from citizens to pay for government services.
  10. (TAXATION) There are three words used for taxation in Muslim books of law. (1) 'Ushr "the tenth";(2) Kharaj "land revenue"; (3) Jizyah "capitation tax."
  11. (TAXATION) Way With Words Group is not liable or responsible for any individual or company taxes or tax submissions required of Agents.
  12. (Taxation) All Canadian customers will be charged either GST or HST at the current rate. The GST/HST charged is based on which province the shipping address is in.
  13. (Taxation) Cigarettes are a significant source of tax revenue in many localities. This fact has historically been an impediment for health groups seeking to discourage cigarette smoking, since governments seek to maximize tax revenues. ...
  14. (Taxation) Depending on the jurisdiction, coupons may or may not reduce the sales tax which must be paid by the consumer. This is often determined by who sponsors the coupon. ...
  15. (Taxation) Differentia: Legal government confiscation of property
  16. (Taxation) In most jurisdictions authorities will not seek to tax companies which they treat as non-resident, save perhaps for a nominal fee -$300 BVI, £320 Isle of Man etc.
  17. (Taxation) Is the process where, at the request of a solicitor s client, the Auditor of Court scrutinises a solicitor s legal account to ensure that the fees and expenses charged are fair and reasonable for the work undertaken on behalf of that client. ...
  18. (Taxation) Michigan's top tax bracket on personal income is 4.35%. Some cities impose additional income taxes. Michigan's state sales tax is six percent. Property taxes are assessed on the local, not state, level. ...
  19. (Taxation) Money charged on incomes, property, goods and services that must be paid to a government
  20. (Taxation) The calculation and agreement of the amount of tax due to the Government whether by individuals or by business entities.
  21. (Taxation) The field of accounting that includes preparing tax returns and planning future transactions to minimize the amount of tax paid; involves private, public, and government accountants.
  22. (Taxation) The procedure, cations and systems applied by a government at any level to obtain revenue from indiviuals, businesses and other organizations
  23. (Taxation) The process whereby charges are imposed on individuals or property by the legislative branch of the federal government and by many state governments to raise funds for public purposes.
  24. (Taxation) The right of government to raise revenue through assessments on valuable goods, products, and rights.
  25. (Taxation) is a Government charge taken from a person’s earnings to help maintain a community’s services such as roads, health, educations, transport etc. to maintain a reasonable standard of living.