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tatter 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
  1. rag: a small piece of cloth or paper
  2. A shred of torn cloth; an individual item of torn and ragged clothing; A person engaged in tatting; To destroy an article of clothing by shredding
  3. (tatters) Ragged clothing or fabric, paper, etc
  4. (tatters) tattered: a seldom used alternative to rags typically describing soldiers (Roaring Girl, 5.1.55; Faithful Friends, 319; Valiant Scot, E2v); atypical is "a tattered petticoat" (Soddered Citizen, 1268).
  5. a person who makes handmade lace.
  6. (v) çaçarģa, tozuratırģa