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tarry 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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tarrier, comparative; tarriest, superlative;
  1. Of, like, or covered with tar
    • - a length of tarry rope
  1. Stay longer than intended; delay leaving a place
    • - she could tarry a bit and not get home until four

  1. loiter: be about; "The high school students like to loiter in the Central Square"; "Who is this man that is hanging around the department?"
  2. pitchy: having the characteristics of pitch or tar
  3. leave slowly and hesitantly
  4. 6510 Tarry (1987 DF) is a main-belt asteroid discovered on February 23, 1987 by C. S. Shoemaker and E. M. Shoemaker at Palomar.
  5. A sojourn; To delay; to be late or tardy in beginning or doing anything; To linger in expectation of something or until something is done or happens; To abide, stay or wait somewhere, especially if longer than planned; To stay somewhere temporarily; to sojourn; Resembling tar; Covered with tar
  6. (tarrying) remaining or staying temporarily
  7. (tarried) (vb.): delayed; waited
  8. tarried - is to wait or stay in one place
  9. A taste fault giving the coffee brew an unpleasant burnt character. Occurs during the holding process after brewing, a result of condensation and scorching of proteins.
  10. A term which means to wait, sometimes used to describe waiting on the Lord through prayer. "Behold, I send the Promise of My Father upon you; but tarry in the city of Jerusalem until you are endued with power from on high" (Luke 24:49).
  11. tea taster’s term for teas that have been fired over smoky flames, imparting a smoky flavor
  12. Ever drive by a road crew that was laying down fresh tar on a hot summer day? That smell is echoed in certain red wines, such as Barolo, and is considered a positive trait.
  13. to delay or be late in going, coming, or doing, dally, delay, drag, dwell, goof around, hang around,  lag, linger, lose time, monkey around, pause,  procrastinate, put off, stall, stay, stick around, stop over, wait
  14. Pronounced, heavy smoky aroma and taste, as in Lapsang Souchong.
  15. Describes tea with a smoky aroma and flavor.
  16. Displaying aromas or flavors that suggest tar.
  17. Members must utter the word "allelujah" over and over again once a year, on Pentecostal Day, until they go into convulsions. ...
  18. another term referring to smoky teas.
  19. Pertains to pavement. - Joseph Leff
  20. A tea, which has a smokey aroma.