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tampon 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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tampons, plural;
  1. Plug with a tampon

  1. A plug of soft material inserted into the vagina to absorb menstrual blood

  2. A plug of material used to stop a wound or block an opening in the body and absorb blood or secretions

  1. plug of cotton or other absorbent material; inserted into wound or body cavity to absorb exuded fluids (especially blood)
  2. plug with a tampon
  3. (Tampons) these go inside the vagina to soak up blood before it leaves the vagina during a menstrual period. Instructions come with tampon products to show how to use them.
  4. (1) NDH [O], PO > signer, FO > DS, DH [bX] inserts tampon into NDH from below. (2) [A] knocks palm side at DS jaw with pc + Index finger is inserted in NDH [S], PO > signer, FO > DS.
  5. Is another (typically German) name given to the silicone transfer pad. A tampon is used to transfer the ink image from the Cliché to the substrate.
  6. A joint that's too thick and looks like an expanded tampon.
  7. stamp (eg, in passport) (Senegal)
  8. To plug (French tampon)