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tamper 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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tampered, past tense; tampered, past participle; tampering, present participle; tampers, 3rd person singular present;
  1. Interfere with (something) in order to cause damage or make unauthorized alterations
    • - someone tampered with the brakes on my car
  2. Exert a secret or corrupt influence upon (someone)

  1. A person or thing that tamps something down, esp. a machine or tool for tamping down earth or ballast

  1. play around with or alter or falsify, usually secretively or dishonestly; "Someone tampered with the documents on my desk"; "The reporter fiddle with the facts"
  2. tamp: a tool for tamping (e.g., for tamping tobacco into a pipe bowl or a charge into a drill hole etc.)
  3. meddle: intrude in other people's affairs or business; interfere unwantedly; "Don't meddle in my affairs!"
  4. (tampering) meddling: the act of altering something secretly or improperly
  5. (Tampering (crime)) Tampering can refer to a variety of forms of sabotage but the term is often used to mean intentional modification of products in a way that would make them harmful to the consumer. ...
  6. (Tampering (sport)) In professional team sports, tapping up (British English) or tampering (American English) is an attempt to persuade a player contracted to one team to transfer to another team, without the knowledge or permission of the player's current team. ...
  7. A person or thing that tamps; To alter by making unauthorized changes; to meddle; To discuss future contracts against league rules with a player
  8. (Tampering) The process of adjusting a stable process to try to compensate for a result that is undesirable or for a result that is extra good, the output that follows will be worse than if the tamperer had left the process alone.
  9. (Tampering) Action taken to compensate for variation within the control limits of a stable system; tampering increases rather than decreases variation, as evidenced in the funnel experiment.
  10. (Tampering) Cars wound back four million clicks
  11. (Tampering) Packers allege contact with Vikings motivating Favre's comeback (July 16) | Two sources say Favre never had a Packers-issued cell phone (July 24)
  12. (Tampering) The theft or unauthorized manipulation of a package’s contents.
  13. (Tampering) You agree not to change the electronic serial number or equipment identifier, if any, of the Equipment, or to perform a factory reset of the Equipment, without express written permission from TeleBlend in each instance which TeleBlend, in its sole discretion, may deny. ...
  14. (Tampering) You agree not to disrupt the Service or make any use of the Service that is inconsistent with its intended purpose or to attempt to do so. ParkNBlend, in its sole discretion, may terminate your Service without advance notice should you tamper with the device.
  15. (Tampering) in this context the interference with, or the attempt to interfere with, a device or object in order to obtain secret or sensitive data.
  16. (tampering) A breach of communication security in which information in transit is changed or replaced and then sent on to the recipient. See also eavesdropping, impersonation.
  17. (tampering) Modification of data by anyone other than the intended recipient.
  18. with, hinder the operation of or make unauthorised modifications to the Service or Website or the use and enjoyment of the Service or Website by other users.
  19. To deliberately alter a system's logic, data, or control information to cause the system to perform unauthorized functions or services.
  20. A handheld impact tool used to firmly press stamping mats or texturing skins into fresh concrete to ensure a complete imprint.
  21. to interfere in a harmful way or to alter or change improperly.
  22. therapeutic goods are tampered with if:
  23. A tool for compacting soil in spots not accessible to rollers.
  24. mess with; to interfere so as to weaken or change for the worse.
  25. Device used for packing espresso uniformly into the 'pull'.