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tallyho 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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A huntsman's cry to the hounds on sighting a fox,
  1. A huntsman's cry to the hounds on sighting a fox

  1. Utter a cry of “tallyho.”

  1. An utterance of this

  2. A fast horse-drawn coach

  1. The phrase tally-ho is a largely British phrase, used in foxhunting, shouted when a rider sees the fox.
  2. the interjection; to articulate the interjection; used to urge on a fox hunt, especially when the fox is sighted; a simple greeting, exclusively used by the upper classes
  3. An alert to the other followers or the Huntsman that you have personally viewed the fox. Point to help others find it. If the fox is close-by, keep your voice down.
  4. Posh jolly country outing or to the hunt and races rigs carrying as many as twelve passengers inside and atop the vehicle.