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taints, plural;
  1. Contaminate or pollute (something)
    • - the air was tainted by fumes from the cars
  2. Affect with a bad or undesirable quality
    • - his administration was tainted by scandal
  3. (of food or water) Become contaminated or polluted

  1. A trace of a bad or undesirable quality or substance
    • - the taint of corruption that adhered to the regime
  2. A thing whose influence or effect is perceived as contaminating or undesirable
    • - the taint that threatens to stain most of the company's other partners
  3. An unpleasant smell
    • - the lingering taint of creosote

  1. contamination: the state of being contaminated
  2. defile: place under suspicion or cast doubt upon; "sully someone's reputation"
  3. infect: contaminate with a disease or microorganism
  4. (tainted) corrupt: touched by rot or decay; "tainted bacon"; "`corrupt' is archaic"
  5. Taint are a three-piece, UK based hardcore/rock/metal band. Their unique sound journeys through elements of sludge, modern metal, hardcore punk, doom, and stoner rock. ...
  6. Taint is a term used in the legal field with reference to evidence that has been "tainted" or ruined in some manner. The most common of such usage is with reference to evidence, testimony, identification by witnesses, or confessions that have been obtained by law enforcement illegally. ...
  7. In human anatomy, the perineum is a region of the body including the perineal body and surrounding structures. There is some variability in how the boundaries are defined.
  8. The Taint (also called Doctor Who and the Taint) is an original novel written by Michael Collier and based on the long-running British science fiction television series Doctor Who. The work features the Eighth Doctor and Sam. This also marks the introduction of a new companion, Fitz Kreiner.
  9. Tainted is a 1988 U.S. motion picture written and directed by Orestes Matacena and starring Shari Shattuck. The movie is a low-budget suspense drama about Cathy (Shattuck) a young school teacher married to the owner of a crematorium. ...
  10. (Tainted (comic)) Tainted was an American comic book one-shot, created and written by Jamie Delano and illustrated by Al Davison. The comic debuted in February 1995, under the DC/Vertigo label, as part of the "Vertigo Voices" series of one-shots.
  11. (tainted) corrupted or filled with imperfections
  12. (tainted) Said of data derived from the grubby hands of a user and thus unsafe for a secure program to rely on. Perl does taint checks if you run a setuid (or setgid) program, or if you use the -T switch.
  13. (Tainted) Unpleasant flavor caused by chemicals in cultivation, by damp conditions, by pollution.
  14. (Tainted) A tea with strange foreign aromas and flavors, usually because of molds or storage with odiforous substances.
  15. (Tainted) An off-taste in the brewed tea that is usually caused by improper storage of the tea and/or by the use of impure water.
  16. (Tainted) Originally a derogatory term for those whose aura has been seeded by a demon, it seems the tainted themselves take some depraved pleasure in this explanation of their state, wearing it as a badge of honor instead of the mark of shame it was meant to be.
  17. (Tainted) Used to mean contaminated. Now used metaphorically with one particular application. This is to dismiss someone else's views on the grounds that they have received funds from incorrect sources. The notion of taint saves the denouncer a great deal of work. ...
  18. (tainted) A coffee with a slightly defective flavor.
  19. (Tainting) The issue of cross-contamination – where the flavour of one drink has tainted the next – common in traditional machines
  20. (Tainting) alteration of taste and smell of sea produce to acquire an oil-like taste when an oil spill occurs.
  21. A lot of money is tainted - It taint yours and it taint mine.
  22. An unwanted flavor from chemical changes in the coffee, that happens during growing, processing, or roasting.
  23. The result of not pasteurizing saidin.
  24. Any bag that lands between the front of the board and the hole.
  25. is an uncommon Peerless Reagent that is used in the creation of certain Craftable Artifacts. It spawns on the corpses of Peerless monsters. There are two subtypes: reagents that only spawn on a specific peerless boss, and ones that can spawn on every peerless boss. Taint is of the later type.