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sync 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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  1. Synchronize
    • - the flash needs to be synced to your camera
  1. Synchronization
    • - images flash onto your screen in sync with the music

  1. synchronize: make synchronous and adjust in time or manner; "Let's synchronize our efforts"
  2. Sync or Syn as he is sometimes called is a notable street artist operating out of Melbourne, Australia.
  3. sync is a standard system call in the Unix operating system, which commits to disk all data in the kernel filesystem buffers, i.e., data which has been scheduled for writing via low-level I/O system calls. Note that higher-level I/O layers such as stdio may maintain separate buffers of their own.
  4. The Sync was an independently owned and operated webcasting company that pioneered the presentation of original and exclusive webcast entertainment content. ...
  5. (Syncing) Papapapaya can automatically sync your vocabularies across all your Macs and iPhones and iPod. (Learn more about Papapapaya for iPhone. ...
  6. the portion of a video signal that indicates either the end of a line or the end of a field of video information
  7. Synchronization. Process of orienting the transmitter and receiver circuits so that transmit in harmony. Home television sets are synchronized by an incoming sync signal with the television cameras in the studios 60 times per second. ...
  8. In video, a means of synchronizing signals with timing pulses to insure that each step in a process occurs at exactly the right time. For example: Horizontal Sync determines exactly when to begin each horizontal line (sweep) of the electron beam. ...
  9. The sync connection in a flash system connects to the camera body, either to a PC connector or through the hot shoe. ...
  10. Abbreviation for synchronization. Electronic pulses that are inserted in to video signal for the purpose of assembling the picture information in the correct position.
  11. Unique bit pattern appended to and preceding information that establishes a reference point for decoding of that subsequent information.
  12. With an Unlimited subscription, you can Sync songs to your mobile device using one of our Mobile apps. Synced music is stored directly on your device, and does not need a wifi or data connection to play. (Whether you’re Online or Offline, synced songs will play locally). ...
  13. Synchronization. Timing pulses that are generated by a camera to identify when a field (complete TV picture) or a line (a single line of a picture) is about to start. ...
  14. The command that copies files from the depot to your workspace. (Short for "synchronize.")
  15. Horizontal and vertical timing signals or electronic pulses. A component of a composite signal, supplied separately in RGB systems. Aligns video origination (live camera, videotape) and reproduction (monitor or receiver) sources.
  16. Synchronization. Two devices are said to be in sync when they are locked together with respect to time, so that the events generated by each of them will always fall into predicable time relationships.
  17. Any of the signals used to generate and control a television picture, but, specifically, the portion of the composite video signal from zero to minus forty IRE units consisting of vertical and horizontal timing pulses and equalizing signals to maintain the proper relationship of the two fields ...
  18. Video: The element of a video signal that tells the display where to display the picture, horizontally (HSYNC) and vertically (VSYNC).
  19. shortened form of synchronization; the timing information that keeps images displaying properly.
  20. the use of rhythmic cycles at all scales, from molecules to planetary systems, to bind single actions into larger systems of activity
  21. an electrical wire that links a flash unit to a camera' shutter release mechanism.
  22. Once the eReader software has been properly installed on your desktop, you can easily transfer it to the Palm Pilot using Hotsync. Connect your device to the desktop via the USB cable. Then run the Hotsync program.
  23. Short for Synchronization or Synchronize. This allows your BlackBerry to have identical PIM information as your Microsoft Outlook. New items added to your BlackBerry gets added to your Microsoft Outlook automatically, and new items added to your Microsoft Outlook gets added to your BlackBerry.
  24. Provides a way for you to synchronize the device with something else. For example, LFO sync in synthesizers often allows you to clock the beginning of the LFO cycle to key-on timing. Sync is used in the Roland x0x series to allow both sequencers to start at the same time with the same tempo.
  25. The timing signals that produces a video display. There are three types of sync separate horizontal and vertical sync, composite sync, and sync on green. Rose products support all three types.