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swelter 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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sweltered, past tense; swelters, 3rd person singular present; sweltered, past participle; sweltering, present participle;
  1. (of a person or the atmosphere at a particular time or place) Be uncomfortably hot
    • - Barney sweltered in his doorman's uniform
  1. An uncomfortably hot atmosphere
    • - the swelter of an August day

  1. be uncomfortably hot
  2. suffer from intense heat; "we were sweltering at the beach"
  3. (sweltering) excessively hot and humid or marked by sweating and faintness; "a sweltering room"; "sweltering athletes"
  4. Swelter is a rock music group, formed in 1989. They were generally associated with the city of Tacoma, Washington.
  5. To perspire greatly from heat
  6. (Sweltering) to describe the heat when it is extremely hot