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swathe 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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swathed, past participle; swathed, past tense; swathes, 3rd person singular present; swathing, present participle;
  1. Wrap in several layers of fabric
    • - his hands were swathed in bandages
  1. A piece or strip of material in which something is wrapped

  1. an enveloping bandage
  2. swaddle: wrap in swaddling clothes; "swaddled the infant"
  3. (swathing) cloth coverings wrapped around something (as a wound or a baby)
  4. Swath width refers to the strip of the Earth’s surface from which data are collected by a satellite. ...
  5. A bandage; a band; A group of people; Alternative spelling of swath; To bind with a swathe, band, bandage, or rollers
  6. The band of print produced by one pass of a printhead