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supplicate 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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supplicated, past participle; supplicates, 3rd person singular present; supplicating, present participle; supplicated, past tense;
  1. Ask or beg for something earnestly or humbly
    • - the plutocracy supplicated to be made peers

  1. ask humbly (for something); "He supplicated the King for clemency"
  2. make a humble, earnest petition; "supplicate for permission"
  3. ask for humbly or earnestly, as in prayer; "supplicate God's blessing"
  4. (supplication) invocation: a prayer asking God's help as part of a religious service
  5. (supplication) a humble request for help from someone in authority
  6. (supplication) prayer: the act of communicating with a deity (especially as a petition or in adoration or contrition or thanksgiving); "the priest sank to his knees in prayer"
  7. Supplication (also known as petitioning) is the most common form of prayer, wherein a person asks a supernatural deity to provide something, either for the person who is praying or for someone else on whose behalf a prayer of supplication is being made, also known as intercession.
  8. To humble oneself before another in making a request; to beg; To plead with one's deity
  9. (Supplication) A humble request, as by praying. These are the things we want God to do for us, and we have no precedent to support our claim. A supplication is a bold action, drawing only on God’s favorable attitude toward us. It is awesome that God would allow us to ask favors of Him. ...
  10. (Supplication) For many Christians, prayer is like window shopping - they spend much time looking but never buy anything. Supplication includes petition for you own needs and intercession for others. You are to pray for everything and in specific terms. Paul admonishes:
  11. (Supplication) Refers to body language that is designed to lower inherent self value in the eye of someone else who holds something desirable in hopes of obtaining it from them. ...
  12. (Supplication) The normal form of prayer, that is to say, begging; occasionally, asking an entity to give you her or his attention for a moment.
  13. (Supplication) pleading or appealing for something from a point of weakness
  14. (supplication) an appeal to somebody who has the power to grant a request
  15. (Supplications (Du'a)) translated by William Chittick^[114]
  16. (Supplications) (Stuff) Marketing is my forte. Cooking and cleaning are not.
  17. Ask for a degree to be conferred at an award ceremony.
  18. to make humble petition to
  19. verb: to put oneself in a servile or inferior position in order to please a woman, such as buying her a drink or changing an opinion in order to agree with her.