- suitable: meant or adapted for an occasion or use; "a tractor suitable (or fit) for heavy duty"; "not an appropriate (or fit) time for flippancy"
- outfitted or supplied with clothing; "recruits suited in green"
- (suiting) a fabric used for suits
- Of the same suit
- A hold'em starting hand in which the two cards are the same suit. Example: "I had to play J-3 -- it was suited."
- When cards all share a suit, they are said to be suited. "the flop came 678-suited. Someone had to have a strong draw, but it wasn't me - I folded."
- a hand with cards from the same card suit.
- adj. 1. Cards of the same suit, such as king-nine of clubs. Suited hole cards are valuable because they are more likely to form a flush with the board. 2. A high card with a suited card of unimportant rank. She held a suited king.
- With regard to a card, one that belongs to a suit (see above). In Tarot, they are the Minor Arcana.
- Two cards of the same suit, such as both Hearts. More likely to make a flush than other combinations (compare off suit).
- The two pocket cards are both the same suit, eg both clubs or both hearts.
- Two or more cards of an identical suit.