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suffocate 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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suffocating, present participle; suffocated, past tense; suffocated, past participle; suffocates, 3rd person singular present;
  1. Die or cause to die from lack of air or inability to breathe
    • - ten detainees suffocated in an airless police cell
    • - she was suffocated by the fumes
  2. Have or cause to have difficulty in breathing
    • - he was suffocating, his head jammed up against the back of the sofa
    • - you're suffocating me—I can scarcely breathe
    • - the suffocating heat
  3. Feel or cause to feel trapped and oppressed
    • - I felt suffocated by my marriage

  1. smother: deprive of oxygen and prevent from breathing; "Othello smothered Desdemona with a pillow"; "The child suffocated herself with a plastic bag that the parents had left on the floor"
  2. impair the respiration of or obstruct the air passage of; "The foul air was slowly suffocating the children"
  3. become stultified, suppressed, or stifled; "He is suffocating--living at home with his aged parents in the small village"
  4. suppress the development, creativity, or imagination of; "His job suffocated him"
  5. be asphyxiated; die from lack of oxygen; "The child suffocated under the pillow"
  6. feel uncomfortable for lack of fresh air; "The room was hot and stuffy and we were suffocating"
  7. gag: struggle for breath; have insufficient oxygen intake; "he swallowed a fishbone and gagged"
  8. (suffocating) smothering: causing difficulty in breathing especially through lack of fresh air and presence of heat; "the choking June dust"; "the smothering soft voices"; "smothering heat"; "the room was suffocating--hot and airless"
  9. "Suffocate" is a track by UK rock band Feeder re-recorded from their 1997 album Polythene, and was released as an in-between single to bridge the gap between the then-current album, and its follow-up Yesterday Went Too Soon. ...
  10. "Suffocate" is a song by American R&B singer J. Holiday. It is the third single released from his debut album Back of My Lac'. The song was released as a digital download and sent to mainly urban radio stations. "Suffocate" debuted on on November 23, 2007 at #10 on the countdown. ...
  11. (Suffocation) Asphyxia (from Greek a-, "without" and σφύξις sphyxis, "heartbeat") is a condition of severely deficient supply of oxygen to the body that arises from being unable to breathe normally. An example of asphyxia is choking. ...
  12. (Suffocation (album)) Suffocation is the fifth studio album by American death metal band Suffocation. It was released in 2006 by Relapse Records. The song "Prelude to Repulsion" is a re-recording of the track of the same name on Breeding the Spawn. ...
  13. (Suffocation (band)) Suffocation is an American death metal band that was formed in 1989 in Long Island, New York. The band comprises vocalist Frank Mullen, guitarists Terrance Hobbs and Guy Marchais, drummer Mike Smith and bassist Derek Boyer. ...
  14. To suffer from severely reduced oxygen intake to the body; To die due to insufficient oxygen supply to the body; To be overwhelmed by a person or issue, surrounded as though being deprived of oxygen; To cause someone to suffer severely reduced oxygen supply to his body; To kill a person or ...
  15. (suffocation) Asphyxia—a condition in which an extreme decrease in the concentration of oxygen in the body accompanied by an increase in the concentration of carbon dioxide leads to loss of consciousness or death; A particular act of death or killing by means of asphyxia
  16. (Suffocates) To die from lack of oxygen; to be smothered, stifled, suppressed, or deprived of cool fresh air.
  17. (Suffocating) To dream that you are suffocating, denotes that you will experience deep sorrow and mortification at the conduct of some one you love. You should be careful of your health after this dream. See Smoke.
  18. (suffocating) buwģan, tunçuqdurģan
  19. (Suffocation) The stoppage of respiration. In the nineteenth century, suffocation was reported as being accidental or homicidal. ...
  20. (SUFFOCATION) Feeling restricted or stifled; an inability to communicate thoughts, feelings, or desires; lack of self-expression / Inner panic; warns to get out of a bad relationship or other constrictive situation that is closing in
  21. (Suffocation) Asphyxia caused by a general deprivation of oxygen either from obstruction of external airways or lack of breathable gas in the environment.
  22. (Suffocation) Lack of oxygen in the blood stream due to obstruction or damage to any part of the respiratory system. It can be caused by a poorly oxygenated atmosphere, an object, liquids, or gases.
  23. (Suffocation) USE Respiratory disorders
  24. Suffocation happens when a person cannot breathe. It can lead to loss of consciousness and death.
  25. Unable to breathe; death caused by a blockage of air to the lungs.