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suckers, plural;
  1. (of a plant) Produce suckers
    • - it spread rapidly after being left undisturbed to sucker
  2. Fool or trick (someone)
    • - they got suckered into accepting responsibility
  1. A person or thing that sucks, in particular

  2. A flat or concave organ enabling an animal to cling to a surface by suction

  3. The piston of a suction pump

  4. A pipe through which liquid is drawn by suction

  5. A gullible or easily deceived person

  6. A person particularly susceptible to or fond of a specified thing
    • - I always was a sucker for a good fairy tale
  7. A thing or person not specified by name
    • - he's one strong sucker
  8. A shoot springing from the base of a tree or other plant, esp. one arising from the root below ground level at some distance from the main stem or trunk

  9. A side shoot from an axillary bud, as in tomato plants

  10. A freshwater fish with thick lips that are used to suck up food from the bottom, native to North America and Asia

  11. A lollipop

  1. chump: a person who is gullible and easy to take advantage of
  2. a shoot arising from a plant's roots
  3. a drinker who sucks (as at a nipple or through a straw)
  4. flesh of any of numerous North American food fishes with toothless jaws
  5. lollipop: hard candy on a stick
  6. an organ specialized for sucking nourishment or for adhering to objects by suction
  7. Catostomidae is the sucker family of the order Cypriniformes. There are 80 species in this family of freshwater fishes. Catostomidae are found in North America, east central China, and eastern Siberia. ...
  8. A basal shoot, root sprout, adventitious shoot, water sprout or sucker is a shoot or cane which grows from a bud at the base of a tree or shrub or from its roots. This shoot then becomes, or takes the form of, a singular plant. A plant that produces suckers is referred to as surculose. ...
  9. (Suckers (film)) Suckers is a 2001 film written by Roger Nygard and Joe Yanetty which centers around events at a car dealership. Suckers stars Daniel Benzali, Lori Loughlin, and Louis Mandylor and co-stars Walter Emanuel Jones. ...
  10. A person or thing that sucks; An organ or body part that does the sucking; Animals such as the octopus and remora, which adhere to other bodies with such organs; A piece of candy which is sucked; a lollypop; An undesired stem growing out of the roots or lower trunk of a shrub or tree, ...
  11. (Suckering) Removing unwanted young shoots to keep the vine and crop in balance.
  12. Suckers are new shoots arising from buds at the base of plants.
  13. (SUCKERS) One of methods some trees use to reproduce is to sprout from old root systems.  If the parent tree should weaken or die, these dormant buds will often grow into suckers.   This is typical of aspens. ...
  14. (Suckers) A commercially sold minnow as live bait for Northern Pike, Walleyes and Muskies.
  15. (Suckers) Often called watersprouts, shoots or canes, this growth springs from the roots of trees, some shrubs and roses. They should be removed, especially if they're from the rootstock of grafted trees or roses.
  16. (Suckers) side shoots that grow after the flowering head of a tobacco plant has been removed. Because suckers rely on the main plant for water and minerals, their growth can lower the quality of the main leaves. ...
  17. (suckers) nbsp &nbsp &nbsp On woody plants, new stems that emerge from the roots. These can occur next to existing stems or many feet distant, depending on the species and how far the roots spread.
  18. A sucker is a bettor who will make bad-EV bets without realizing how bad the bets are.
  19. Refers to a horse which has the ability to win races but fails to go through with its run when faced with the prospect of taking the lead.
  20. A shoot sprouting from below ground at the base of a plant. In the case of grafted plants, suckers grow from the rootstock and should be torn off at their point of origin.
  21. A shoot which arises from an underground shoot or root of a plant.
  22. a vegetative shoot of underground origin. Fig. 1 F.
  23. A name popularly applied to various types of freshwater fish closely related to carp. Suckers live and feed near the bottoms of streams. They may be cooked in any way appropriate for other fish.
  24. A means of vegetation reproduction in which some trees and shrubs send up new sprouts from their root system or rhizomes.
  25. Sometimes called a side shoot or offset. A new African Violet growing from another African Violet which, unless removed from the parent plant, will develop into a new crown. Suckers typically emerge at the base of the main stem or among the lower leaf axils. ...