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subsist 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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subsists, 3rd person singular present; subsisted, past participle; subsisting, present participle; subsisted, past tense;
  1. Maintain or support oneself, esp. at a minimal level
    • - thousands of refugees subsist on international handouts
  2. Provide sustenance for
    • - the problem of subsisting the poor in a period of high bread prices
  3. Remain in being, force, or effect

  4. Be attributable to
    • - the effect of genetic maldevelopment may subsist in chromosomal mutation

  1. exist: support oneself; "he could barely exist on such a low wage"; "Can you live on $2000 a month in New York City?"; "Many people in the world have to subsist on $1 a day"
  2. (subsistence) minimal (or marginal) resources for subsisting; "social security provided only a bare subsistence"
  3. (subsistence) a means of surviving; "farming is a hard means of subsistence"
  4. (subsistence) the state of existing in reality; having substance
  5. To survive on a minimum of resources
  6. (Subsistence) the means of supporting life, usually referring to food and other basic commodities.
  7. (Subsistence (Meals and Lodging)) Subsistence is an allowance related to lodging, and meal costs and gratuities thereon. General Statute 138-6 provides for allowances to be paid in amounts or rates specified. ...
  8. (SUBSISTENCE) Daily travel expenses covering meals, taxes, tips for meals and incidental expenses.
  9. (Subsistence) A reference to basic meal and food requirements.
  10. (Subsistence) Conducting activities in a way that will sustain life of those affiliated with the activity (as opposed to exploitation).
  11. (Subsistence) Growing just enough food for your own needs with nothing left over to sell.
  12. (Subsistence) In social and economic terms, a state of "pre-development" in which a predominantly labor-intensive economic process and extremely primitive tools produce barely enough for survival for most members of a society. ...
  13. (Subsistence) In the context of resource use, this suggests harvesting and use of marine resource(s) strictly for household consumption.
  14. (Subsistence) Supplemental assistance necessary to cover the costs of separate maintenance (such as rent, utilities and food) when the training facility is located outside the commuting area. ...
  15. (Subsistence) The bare necessities of life.
  16. (Subsistence) The use of marine mammals taken by Alaskan Natives for food, clothing, shelter, heating, transportation, and other uses necessary to maintain the life of the taker or those who depend upon the taker to provide them with such subsistence.
  17. (Subsistence) farming system where the farmer produces just enough to sustain himself and his family.
  18. (n.): a subsistence activity or subsistence living implies production methods that barely produce enough to meet the basic needs of the farmer or worker. There is no surplus that can be sold and no profits are made. Back
  19. (subsistence [n]) Food, water, shelter, clothing and other items necessary for human life.
  20. (subsistence) A kind of hunting that provides all or almost all the food required by native hunters.
  21. (subsistence) The means of living; obtaining food and shelter necessary to support life; everything that is done to "make a living"
  22. (subsistence) livelihood; the means by which an individual or group maintains life.
  23. (subsistence) the way by which a culture obtains its food.
  24. Subsistence refers to the required items an organism needs in order to survive. Source: National Park Service
  25. to have existence; to remain alive, manage to make a living or maintain life; to persist or continue