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strop 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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strops, plural;
  1. Sharpen on or with a strop
    • - he stropped a knife razor-sharp on his belt
  1. A device, typically a strip of leather, for sharpening straight razors

  2. A rope sling for handling cargo

  1. a leather strap used to sharpen razors
  2. sharpen on a strop; "strop razors"
  3. A razor strop is a flexible strip of leather or canvas used to straighten and polish the blade of a straight razor, a knife, or a woodworking tool like a chisel. ...
  4. (Stropping (syntax)) When applied to computer languages, stropping refers to the method used to mark letter sequences as having a special property (most often being a keyword or certain type of variable/storage location). ...
  5. A strap; more specifically a piece of leather or a substitute (notably canvas), or strip of wood covered with a suitable material, for honing a razor, in this sense also called razor strop; A bad mood or temper (see stroppy.); To strap; To hone (a razor) with a strop
  6. A length of line used in connecting two parts of a boat or its rigging.
  7. A length of wire rope used to hang scenery etc from fly bars.
  8. A piece of line spliced to form a closed loop and used for lifting.
  9. A band of leather and/or fabric used to maintain a razors cutting edge. Can be free hanging or attached to a paddle. See stropping a straight razor.
  10. any of several devices used for sharpening. Made out of a strip of leather or other flexible material.
  11. string; a piece of rope