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strikes 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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struck, past participle; strikes, 3rd person singular present; struck, past tense; striking, present participle;
  1. Hit forcibly and deliberately with one's hand or a weapon or other implement
    • - he raised his hand, as if to strike me
    • - one man was struck on the head with a stick
    • - Edgar struck out at her
  2. Inflict (a blow)
    • - he struck her two blows on the leg
  3. Accidentally hit (a part of one's body) against something
    • - she fell, striking her head against the side of the boat
  4. Come into forcible contact or collision with
    • - he was struck by a car on Whitepark Road
  5. (of a beam or ray of light or heat) Fall on (an object or surface)
    • - the light struck her ring, reflecting off the diamond
  6. (in sporting contexts) Hit or kick (a ball) so as to score a run, point, or goal
    • - he struck the ball into the back of the net
  7. (of a clock) Indicate the time by sounding a chime or stroke
    • - the church clock struck twelve
  8. Ignite (a match) by rubbing it briskly against an abrasive surface

  9. Produce (fire or a spark) as a result of friction
    • - his iron stick struck sparks from the pavement
  10. Bring (an electric arc) into being

  11. Produce (a musical note) by pressing or hitting a key

  12. (of a disaster, disease, or other unwelcome phenomenon) Occur suddenly and have harmful or damaging effects on
    • - an earthquake struck the island
    • - tragedy struck when he was killed in a car crash
    • - storm-struck areas
  13. Carry out an aggressive or violent action, typically without warning
    • - it was eight months before the murderer struck again
  14. Kill or seriously incapacitate (someone)
    • - he was struck down by a mystery virus
  15. Cause or create a particular strong emotion in (someone)
    • - drugs—a subject guaranteed to strike fear into parents' hearts
  16. Cause (someone) to be in a specified state
    • - he was struck dumb
  17. (of a thought or idea) Come into the mind of (someone) suddenly or unexpectedly
    • - a disturbing thought struck Melissa
  18. Cause (someone) to have a particular impression
    • - it struck him that Marjorie was unusually silent
    • - the idea struck her as odd
  19. Find particularly interesting, noticeable, or impressive
    • - Lucy was struck by the ethereal beauty of the scene
  20. (of employees) Refuse to work as a form of organized protest, typically in an attempt to obtain a particular concession or concessions from their employer
    • - workers may strike over threatened job losses
  21. Undertake such action against (an employer)

  22. Cancel, remove, or cross out with or as if with a pen
    • - strike his name from the list
    • - striking words through with a pen
  23. Officially remove someone from membership of a professional group
    • - he had been struck off as a disgrace to the profession
  24. Abolish a law or regulation
    • - the law was struck down by the Supreme Court
  25. Make (a coin or medal) by stamping metal

  26. (in cinematography) Make (another print) of a film

  27. Reach, achieve, or agree to (something involving agreement, balance, or compromise)
    • - the team has struck a deal with a sports marketing agency
    • - you have to strike a happy medium
  28. (in financial contexts) Reach (a figure) by balancing an account
    • - last year's loss was struck after allowing for depreciation of 67 million dollars
  29. Form (a committee)
    • - the government struck a committee to settle the issue
  30. Discover (gold, minerals, or oil) by drilling or mining

  31. Discover or think of, esp. unexpectedly or by chance
    • - pondering, she struck upon a brilliant idea
  32. Come to or reach
    • - several days out of the village, we struck the Gilgit Road
  33. Move or proceed vigorously or purposefully
    • - she struck out into the lake with a practiced crawl
    • - he struck off down the track
  34. Start out on a new or independent course or endeavor
    • - after two years he was able to strike out on his own
  35. Take down (a tent or the tents of an encampment)
    • - it took ages to strike camp
  36. Dismantle (theatrical scenery)
    • - the minute we finish this evening, they'll start striking the set
  37. Lower or take down (a flag or sail), esp. as a salute or to signify surrender
    • - the ship struck her German colors
  38. Insert (a cutting of a plant) in soil to take root

  39. (of a plant or cutting) Develop roots
    • - small conifers will strike from cuttings
  40. (of a young oyster) Attach itself to a bed

  41. Secure a hook in the mouth of a fish by jerking or tightening the line after it has taken the bait or fly

  1. A refusal to work organized by a body of employees as a form of protest, typically in an attempt to gain a concession or concessions from their employer
    • - dockers voted for an all-out strike
    • - local government workers went on strike
    • - strike action
  2. A refusal to do something expected or required, typically by a body of people, with a similar aim
    • - a rent strike
  3. A sudden attack, typically a military one
    • - the threat of nuclear strikes
  4. (in bowling) An act of knocking down all the pins with one's first ball

  5. An act or instance of jerking or tightening the line to secure a fish that has already taken the bait or fly

  6. A discovery of gold, minerals, or oil by drilling or mining
    • - the Lena goldfields strike of 1912
  7. A pitch that is counted against the batter, in particular one that the batter swings at and misses, or that passes through the strike zone without the batter swinging, or that the batter hits foul (unless two strikes have already been called). A batter accumulating three strikes is out

  8. A pitch that passes through the strike zone and is not hit

  9. Something to one's discredit
    • - when they returned from Vietnam they had two strikes against them
  10. The horizontal or compass direction of a stratum, fault, or other geological feature

  1. (strike) a group's refusal to work in protest against low pay or bad work conditions; "the strike lasted more than a month before it was settled"
  2. (strike) deliver a sharp blow, as with the hand, fist, or weapon; "The teacher struck the child"; "the opponent refused to strike"; "The boxer struck the attacker dead"
  3. (strike) an attack that is intended to seize or inflict damage on or destroy an objective; "the strike was scheduled to begin at dawn"
  4. (strike) affect: have an emotional or cognitive impact upon; "This child impressed me as unusually mature"; "This behavior struck me as odd"
  5. (strike) hit: hit against; come into sudden contact with; "The car hit a tree"; "He struck the table with his elbow"
  6. (strike) rap: a gentle blow
  7. Strikes is the third album by southern rock band Blackfoot, released in 1979.
  8. (STRIKE) S.T.R.I.K.E. is a fictional, comic-book counterterrorism and intelligence agency in the Marvel Comics universe. The organization, that often deals with superhuman threats, was introduced in Captain Britain Weekly #17, as the United Kingdom's version of the United Nations' S.H.I.E.L.D.
  9. (Strike (2006 film)) Strike is a Polish language film produced by a mainly German group, released in 2006 and directed by Volker Schlöndorff. The film is broadly a docudrama. It covers the formation of Solidarity. ...
  10. (Strike (band)) Strike are a British dance band formed in 1994 consisting of Matt Cantor, Andy Gardner and the vocalist Victoria Newton.
  11. (Strike (baseball)) In baseball, the strike zone is a conceptual three dimensional right angle pentagonal prism over home plate which defines the boundaries through which a pitch must pass in order to count as a strike when the batter does not swing.
  12. (Strike (bowling)) A strike is a term used in bowling to indicate that all of the pins have been knocked down with the first ball of a frame. On scoresheets, a strike is symbolized by an X.
  13. (strike) a status resulting from a batter swinging and missing a pitch, or not swinging at a pitch in the strike zone, or hitting a foul ball that is not caught; the act of knocking down all ten pins in on the first roll of a frame; a work stoppage as a form of protest; a blow or application ...
  14. (Strike (Striker)) The name given to the batsman who is facing the  bowler. The batsman is said to be "on strike".
  15. (Strike) the delivery of natural body weapons in hitting human targets, the method of which excludes punches and kicks.
  16. as in "strike out", "three strikes, you're out", "a strike against you", "he was born with two strikes against him", etc. -- In baseball, a strike is when the batter fails to hit a good pitch. A batter with three strikes is out and stops batting. ...
  17. (Strike) The workers’ ultimate weapon, the strike is the concerted withholding of labour from the employer; the refusal of the workforce to continue working for the employer unless certain terms and conditions are met. ...
  18. (Strike) The sharpness of detail which the coin had when it was Mint State. A full strike is a coin that exhibits the full detail that would appear on the sharpest known examples of that type.
  19. (Strike) The time immediately following the last performance while all cast and crew members are required to stay and dismantle (or watch the two people who own Makita screw drivers) dismantle the set.
  20. (Strike) Glass that changes colour when re-heated is said to "strike". The most dramatic example of this are the borosilicate colours in the ruby family that strike from a clear to deep red simply upon reheating.
  21. (STRIKE) A cessation of work or a refusal to work or to continue work by employees in combination or in accordance with a common understanding for the purpose of compelling an employer to agree to terms or conditions of employment. ...
  22. (strike) To delete or remove, as in to strike (a case) from the court's calendar.
  23. (Strike) A temporary stoppage of work by a group of workers (not necessarily union members) to express a grievance or enforce a demand. A strike is initiated by the workers of an establishment.
  24. (Strike) the direction, or course or bearing, of a vein of rock formation measured on a level surface
  25. (Strike) A group's deliberate restriction or suspension of work, usually temporary, to put pressure on employers or sometimes the government. Strikes take many forms and range widely in extent and duration.