- divide society into social classes or castes; "Income distribution often stratifies a society"
- form layers or strata; "The rock stratifies"
- form, arrange, or deposit in layers; "The fish are stratified in barrels"; "The rock was stratified by the force of the water"; "A statistician stratifies the list of names according to the addresses"
- render fertile and preserve by placing between layers of earth or sand; "stratify seeds"
- (stratification) the act or process or arranging persons into classes or social strata
- (stratification) the condition of being arranged in social strata or classes within a group
- Stratification of clinical trials, is the partitioning of subjects and results by a factor other than the treatment.
- (Stratification (botany)) In horticulture, stratification is the process of pretreating seeds to simulate natural winter conditions that a seed must endure before germination. Many seed species undergo an embryonic dormancy phase, and generally will not sprout until this dormancy is broken. ...
- (Stratification (statistics)) In statistics, stratified sampling is a method of sampling from a population.
- (Stratification (water)) Water stratification occurs when water of high and low salinity (halocline), oxygenation (chemocline), density (pycnocline), temperature (thermocline), forms layers that act as barriers to water mixing.
- To become separated out into distinct layers or strata; To separate out into distinct layers or strata
- (Stratifying) where a site to be sampled is divided into sub-units (strata) based on the homogeneity of some feature within each sub-unit. ...
- (Stratification) Occurs in blended fuels that have a compatibility problem. It is usually experienced when paraffinic based oils are mixed with asphaltic based oils, causing asphaltenes to precipitate and settle to the bottom of the tank.
- (stratification) a structure produced by deposition of sediments in beds or layers (strata), laminae, lenses, wedges, and other essentially tabular units.
- (stratification) division of a forest, or any ecosystem, into separate layers of vegetation that provide distinct niches for wildlife. See canopy, understory, and herbaceous vegetation.
- (stratification) separation of a study cohort into subgroups or strata according to specific characteristics.
- (stratification) A physical and chemical process that results in the formation of distinct layers of water within a lake or reservoir (i.e., epilimnion, metalimnion, and hypolimnion).
- (stratification) A method of organising a population in order to improve the representativeness of a sample.
- (stratification) The layering of water in oceans and lakes due to differences in water density and temperature with depth. [2]
- (Stratification) A process of subdividing the population into relatively homogeneous groups called strata. Stratified sampling consists of independently selecting samples from each of these strata. ...
- (Stratification) Oftentimes when someone refers to stratification, they are referring to the process of cold treating a seed in order to break its dormancy. But, on a broader level, stratification can also refer to any process used to help a seed germinate. ...
- (Stratification) The layered structure of sedimentary rock.
- Stratification involves dividing a sample into homogeneous subsamples based on one or more characteristics of the population. For example, samples may be stratified by 10-year age groups, so that, for example, all subjects aged 20 to 29 are in the same age stratum in each group. ...
- (stratification) in reference to society, a system by which social, economic and political inequalities are structured in society.
- (Stratification) A condition that occurs when the acid concentration varies from top to bottom in the battery electrolyte. Periodic, controlled charging at voltages that produce gassing will mix the electrolyte. See equalization.