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straighten 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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straightens, 3rd person singular present; straightened, past tense; straightened, past participle; straightening, present participle;
  1. Make or become straight
    • - she helped him straighten his tie
    • - where the river straightened he took his chance to check the barometer
  2. Make tidy or put in order again
    • - he sat down at his desk, straightening his things that Lee had moved
    • - they are asking for help in straightening out their lives
  3. Stand or sit erect after bending
    • - he straightened up, using the bedside table for support
  4. (of a vehicle, ship, or aircraft) Stop turning and move in a straight line

  1. straighten up or out; make straight
  2. get up from a sitting or slouching position; "The students straightened when the teacher entered"
  3. tidy: put (things or places) in order; "Tidy up your room!"
  4. roll out: straighten by unrolling; "roll out the big map"
  5. To cause to become straight; To become straight; To put in order; to sort; to tidy up; To clarify a situation or concept to (an audience); To bribe or corrupt; To stand up, especially from a sitting position
  6. (Straightening) a joint (opposite of flexion or bending).
  7. Finishing operation for correcting misalignment in a forging or between different sections of a forging. Straightening may be done by hand, with simple tools, or in a die in forging equipment.
  8. means to change something so that it’s no longer bent or messed up. What's the word?
  9. Arrange items so they are easy to find and use.  Use visual management when you can by outlining locations, labeling tools, and specifying what goes where.
  10. Organize all materials in an optimized manner
  11. (v) kеrirgе, tüzеtirgе
  12. place items where they can be found and used easily