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straggle 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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straggling, present participle; straggled, past tense; straggles, 3rd person singular present; straggled, past participle;
  1. Move along slowly, typically in a small irregular group, so as to remain some distance behind the person or people in front
    • - half the men were already straggling back into the building
    • - only a few straggling kids remained
  2. Grow, spread, or be laid out in an irregular, untidy way
    • - her hair was straggling over her eyes
  1. An untidy or irregularly arranged mass or group of something
    • - a straggle of cottages

  1. a wandering or disorderly grouping (of things or persons); "a straggle of outbuildings"; "a straggle of followers"
  2. sidetrack: wander from a direct or straight course
  3. sprawl: go, come, or spread in a rambling or irregular way; "Branches straggling out quite far"
  4. To stray from the road, course or line of march; To wander about; ramble; To spread at irregular intervals