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stooge 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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stooges, plural;
  1. Move around aimlessly; drift or cruise
    • - she stooged around in the bathroom for a while
  2. Perform a role that involves being the butt of a comedian's jokes

  1. A person who serves merely to support or assist others, particularly in doing unpleasant work
    • - you fell for that helpless-female act and let her make you a stooge
  2. A person who is employed to assume a particular role while keeping their true identity hidden
    • - a police stooge
  3. A performer whose act involves being the butt of a comedian's jokes

  1. cruise in slow or routine flights
  2. flunky: a person of unquestioning obedience
  3. act as the stooge; "His role was to stooge for the popular comedian"
  4. butt: a victim of ridicule or pranks
  5. act as a stooge, in a compliant or subordinate manner; "He stooged for the flamboyant Senator"
  6. A double act, also known as a comedy duo, is a comic pairing in which humor is derived from the uneven relationship between two partners, usually of the same gender, age, ethnic origin and profession, but drastically different personalities or behavior. ...
  7. The Stooge is a 1952 American comedy film starring the comedy team of Martin and Lewis. The film was released on December 31, 1952 by Paramount.
  8. (The stooges) The Stooges (also known as Iggy and The Stooges) is an American rock band from Ann Arbor, Michigan first active from 1967 to 1974, and later reformed in 2003. ...
  9. One who knowingly allows himself or herself to be used for another's profit; a dupe; A straight man; A person who collects secretly information on activities of the enemy
  10. (Stooges) Term for the members of the Security team. Stooges acted as lookouts. They also helped organise distractions, and shadowed Germans entering the camp (on occasions, the German ferrets tried to hide inside the camp in order to spy on the POWs and discover the location of tunnels).
  11. (Stooges) Featuring Iggy Pop, Detroit's punk-precursors,1968-197, revived 2007.
  12. (Stooging) No more than one Chaser is allowed in the scoring area at any one time. (Game play in Harry Potter: Quidditch World Cup and the fan-made Q3D permit this behaviour.)
  13. (stooging) A tactic once allowed where two of the Chasers would ram the opposing Keeper aside so the third Chasers could score a goal. This was outlawed in 1884 and Stooging is now a foul (QA6).
  14. “A cupola on a barn.” Three DARE informants—in Alabama, Florida, and Minnesota—gave this response, but we can find nothing that would confirm or even explain this.
  15. A foreign gap-year student employed by a school
  16. a weak or unimportant person who is controlled by a powerful person or organization.
  17. an underling, assistant, or accomplice, especially an impostor or "ringer", who's introduced into a training situation under false identity or disguised ability to add realistic stress or unscheduled confusion; see CRYPTO, PROVOCATEUR, SPOOK.
  18. although this sometimes means "to tell on someone," it more often refers to a heel wrestler booked in the position of underling associate of another heel. ...
  19. Confederate planted in the crowd (magic)
  20. A confederate who, while pretending to be an innocent member of the audience, secretly assists the magician or mentalist.
  21. A person who tells the promoter something that the wrestlers would prefer to keep secret.
  22. n: Someone acting as an informer or decoy for the police; a stool pigeon.
  23. Any Deputy or Assistant
  24. Deputy Wing Commander