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stockpile 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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stockpiles, plural;
  1. Accumulate a large stock of (goods or materials)
    • - he claimed that the weapons were being stockpiled
  1. A large accumulated stock of goods or materials, esp. one held in reserve for use at a time of shortage or other emergency

  1. reserve: something kept back or saved for future use or a special purpose
  2. stock: have on hand; "Do you carry kerosene heaters?"
  3. a storage pile accumulated for future use
  4. (stockpiling) accumulating and storing a reserve supply; "the stockpiling of war materials"
  5. A stockpile is a pile or storage location for bulk materials, forming part of the bulk material handling process.
  6. In military preparation, to stockpile is to move materiel, personnel, and command and control infrastructure to a suitable location in preparation for deployment, or to move such materials into the theatre of war in preparation for combat.
  7. (Stockpiling) The deferment of pasture for use at a later time. Traditionally this is in the autumn. Also known as “autumn saved pasture” or “foggage.”
  8. (Stockpiling) The storage of something in order to have it available in the future if the need for it increases. In international economics, stockpiling occurs for speculative purposes; by governments to provide for national security; and by central banks managing international reserves.
  9. (Stockpiling) When someone buys multiples of one type of product and creates an ‘inventory’ at home. Once someone stockpiles a set of items to last them about 6 months then they can revert to only buying the product at its lowest price, and sometimes, FREE. ...
  10. (Stockpiling) You buy something you use all the time at it's lowest price point.   You can also look at like this.  Stock up when times are good so you can eat when times are bad.
  11. Stockpiling is waiting more than three calendar days to submit returns to the IRS after the Provider has all necessary information for origination of the electronic return or collecting e-file returns prior to official acceptance for participation in IRS e-file. ...
  12. Broken ore heaped on surface, pending treatment or shipment.
  13. A large number of objects in one place with the intent to use them in the future, especially in case of an emergency
  14. a reserve where materials and equipment are stored for future use.
  15. nuclear weapons and components under custody of the U.S. Department of Defense.
  16. An accumulation of ore or mineral built up when demand slackens or when the treatment plant or beneficiation equipment is incomplete or temporarily unequal to handling the mine output; any heap of material formed to create a reserve for loading or other purposes
  17. (n) A supply of food, HBA, and household products purchased at rock-bottom prices and stored until needed. (v) To store in a stockpile items that will be used later. Stockpiling is not the same as hoarding.
  18. Material stored for later use, such as topsoil.
  19. A place or storehouse where material, medicines and other supplies needed in a disaster are kept for emergency relief.
  20. Your hidden stash of stuffs– the guns, food, drugs, ammo, water, and whatever you’ll need if and when TEOTWAWKI comes.
  21. Couponers look for the ‘best of the best’ (often free) prices on particular items. When certain items reach these low prices, it is common for couponers to buy an excess and store it for future use. This prevents savvy shoppers from paying full retail on commonly used products. ...
  22. A storage pile of materials.
  23. A store of unprocessed ore.