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stiffen 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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stiffening, present participle; stiffened, past tense; stiffens, 3rd person singular present; stiffened, past participle;
  1. Make or become stiff or rigid
    • - he stiffened his knees in an effort to prevent them from trembling
    • - my back stiffens up and I can't bend
  2. Support or strengthen (a garment or fabric), typically by adding tape or an adhesive layer

  3. Make or become stronger or more steadfast
    • - outrage over the murders stiffened the government's resolve to confront the Mafia
    • - the regime's resistance stiffened

  1. become stiff or stiffer; "He stiffened when he saw his boss enter the room"
  2. restrict; "Tighten the rules"; "stiffen the regulations"