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sticker 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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stickers, plural;
  1. An adhesive label or notice, generally printed or illustrated

  1. spine: a small sharp-pointed tip resembling a spike on a stem or leaf
  2. gummed label: an adhesive label
  3. poser: a particularly difficult or baffling question or problem
  4. dagger: a short knife with a pointed blade used for piercing or stabbing
  5. A Sticker is a type of a label. Often it is a piece of paper or plastic, sticky on one side, and usually with some pattern on the other. ...
  6. A label is a piece of paper, polymer, cloth, metal, or other material affixed to a container or article, on which is printed a legend, information concerning the product, addresses, etc. A label may also be printed directly on the container or article.
  7. Tribulus terrestris is a flowering plant in the family Zygophyllaceae, native to warm temperate and tropical regions of the Old World in southern Europe, southern Asia, throughout Africa, and Australia. It can thrive even in desert climates and poor soil. ...
  8. (Stickering) Sticker art (also known as sticker bombing, slap tagging, and sticker tagging) is a form of street art in which an image or message is publicly displayed using stickers. ...
  9. something that sticks; an adhesive label or decal; a brand, label, or company, especially one making and distributing records; a price tag; the listed price (also sticker price); a burr or seed pod that catches in fur or clothing; a wooden strip placed between courses of lumber to allow air ...
  10. (Stickering) Placing customer-specific stickers on boxes of product. An example would be where Wal-Mart has a request for their own product codes to be applied to retail boxes prior to shipment.
  11. (Stickering) Spacers placed between layers of timber to allow effective fumigation.
  12. (Stickering) is the process of inserting spacers between deck panels before installation in order to allow them to reach a more natural moisture content and dimension.
  13. (Stickering) is the process of laying stickers in between the layers of boards as they are being stacked into a kiln charge.  Placing the stickers in the right place is very important for the controlling of air movement and warping in the charge. ...
  14. (STICKERS) A form of tagging, most commonly saying "Hello, my name is". Can be anything from computer-generated, clear, generic blank stickers that have the writer's name on them to elaborate stickers with little pieces and characters. ...
  15. (Stickers) The long narrow pieces of wood used between layers of piled lumber to allow for air circulation in the drying of lumber.
  16. (Stickers) A brand new tire, with the manufacturer's sticker still on the "tread."
  17. (STICKERS) Calks on shoes which give a horse better traction in mud or on soft tracks.
  18. (STICKERS) The cleats on horses shoes
  19. (Stickers) Acid-free, photo safe stickers from in thousands of different themes and sizes so that you can brighten up any scrapbook page.
  20. (Stickers) Stuck onto the bowl to identify it, from the other bowls.
  21. (Stickers) When kiln or air-dryin wood, stickers are pieces of wood placed perpendicularly between layers of boards to allow for airflow through the stack. Stickers are usually placed 12 to 18 inches apart and directly over any support beams under the stack. ...
  22. (Stickers) usually have a paper backing which can be removed leaving a sticky portion.
  23. Stickers are strips placed perpendicularly between layers of stacked boards or flooring to improve air circulation. All lumber put into a kiln is “stickered” to promote uniform results by exposing every surface. ...
  24. Also referred to as "labels" or "slaps". A sticker (often obtained from shipping companies and name greeting labels) with the writer's tag on it. ...
  25. A thin wood strip that is inserted between stacks of green wood to allow air to flow through the stack to ensure proper drying..