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stevedore 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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stevedores, plural;
  1. A person employed, or a contractor engaged, at a dock to load and unload cargo from ships

  1. a laborer who loads and unloads vessels in a port
  2. Stevedore, dockworker, docker, dock labourer and longshoreman can have various waterfront-related meanings concerning loading and unloading ships, according to place and country.
  3. A dockworker involved in loading and unloading cargo; To load or unload a ship's cargo
  4. (stevedores) Labor management companies that provide equipment and hire workers to transfer cargo between ships and docks. Stevedore companies may also serve as terminal operators. The laborers hired by the stevedoring firms are called stevedores or longshoremen.
  5. company engaged in providing loading/ discharging services for vessels.
  6. Port worker engaged in the stowage of cargo in the hold of a ship or contractors employed in general loading.
  7. Commercial hand truck with a set of stabilizing wheels on the back. Also has a heavy duty strap and clasp to wrap around piece being moved and secured to stevedore. Used primarily for moving safes, vending machines and heavy equipment and cabinets.
  8. This play, produced in February, 1996 by Valerie Curtis-Newton at the University of Washington Playhouse, was a revival of a play staged in Seattle during the 1936 Dock Strike by the "Negro Unit" of the Federal Theater.
  9. Originally, a longshoreman; in modern terms, one who provides the machinery and longshoremen necessary to load and unload ships cargo
  10. Agency retained by the vessel operator or agent to determine the method cargo is to be loaded/discharged and to provide the necessary equipment and labour to execute the handling and supervise the actual handling process.
  11. A man who stowed cargo. This was more specialist work than unloading which was done by dockers or, in the term more common in North America, longshoremen.
  12. A man employed to stow cargo in a ship.
  13. A person or company working on the Terminal, loading, stowing, discharging vessels, etc…
  14. Individual or firm that employs longshoremen (or dockers, dock workers, or port workers) to load and unload vessels.
  15. Terminal operator who is designated to facilitate the operation of loading and discharging vessels and various terminal activities.
  16. a dock Labourer who loaded or unloaded cargo from ships.
  17. Who Are You? - S4 - Term used to describe Giles During Sex. Defined by Merriam Webster as "one who works at or is responsible for loading and unloading ships in ports." They are known for their strength and stamina.