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steamroller 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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steamrollers, plural;
  1. (of a government or other authority) Forcibly pass (a measure) by restricting debate or otherwise overriding opposition
    • - they would have to work together to steamroller the necessary bills past the smaller parties
  2. Force (someone) into doing or accepting something
    • - an attempt to steamroller the country into political reforms
  3. Proceed forcefully and seemingly invincibly
    • - they steamrolled through the playoffs undefeated
  1. A heavy, slow-moving vehicle with a roller, used to flatten the surfaces of roads during construction

  2. An oppressive and relentless power or force
    • - victims of an ideological steamroller

  1. bring to a specified state by overwhelming force or pressure; "The Senator steamrollered the bill to defeat"
  2. juggernaut: a massive inexorable force that seems to crush everything in its way
  3. proceed with great force; "The new teacher tends to steamroller"
  4. vehicle equipped with heavy wide smooth rollers for compacting roads and pavements
  5. crush with a steamroller as if to level; "steamroller the road"
  6. overwhelm by using great force; "steamroller the opposition"
  7. A steamroller (or steam roller) is a form of road roller – a type of heavy construction machinery used for levelling surfaces, such as roads or airfields – that is powered by a steam engine. ...
  8. The following is an episode list for the MTV animated television series Beavis and Butt-head. The series has its roots in 1992 when Mike Judge created two animated shorts - "Frog Baseball" and "Peace, Love & Understanding" - which were later aired on Liquid Television.
  9. This is a list of minor characters created specifically for the Cartoon Network animated series Teen Titans.
  10. (Steamrollers) are more harsh on the throat than bongs due to the absence of water to cool the smoke.
  11. (Steamrolling) Re-raising to make a player(s) call two bets instead of one.
  12. A game played on P-day eve or at night once everyone was asleep in which Elders would "steamroll" over each other as a form of Elder bonding. Saga is famous for its great "steamrolling" room. (Submitted by Mark Barrionuevo)