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staunch 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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stanchest, superlative; stancher, comparative; stauncher, comparative; staunchest, superlative;
  1. Loyal and committed in attitude
    • - a staunch supporter of the antinuclear lobby
    • - a staunch Catholic
  2. (of a wall) Of strong or firm construction

  3. (of a ship) Watertight

  1. steadfast: firm and dependable especially in loyalty; "a steadfast ally"; "a staunch defender of free speech"; "unswerving devotion"; "unswerving allegiance"
  2. stem: stop the flow of a liquid; "staunch the blood flow"; "stem the tide"
  3. A lock is a device for raising and lowering boats between stretches of water of different levels on river and canal waterways. ...
  4. To stop the flow of (blood); To stop, check, or deter an action; loyal, trustworthy, reliable, outstanding; dependable, persistent
  5. Dik*, big, strong. ‘That prop forward is a staunch ou*.
  6. or steady not moving to retrieve until commanded to do so.
  7. Dog stands intensely on point.  See intense.