- legislative act: an act passed by a legislative body
- codified: enacted by a legislative body; "statute law"; "codified written laws"
- (statutory) relating to or created by statutes; "statutory matters"; "statutory law"
- A statute is a formal written enactment of a legislative authority that governs a state, city, or county. Typically, statutes command or prohibit something, or declare policy. ...
- Written law, as laid down by the legislature; (Common law) Legislated rule of society which has been given the force of law by those it governs
- Statutes are laws passed by the state legislature or U.S. Congress. Business corporation laws are statutes. Statutes often authorize an administrative agency to declare regulations which are used to supplement the statute. In the event of a conflict, statutes control over regulations.
- (Statutes) Individual laws which comprise the Florida Statutes.
- (STATUTES) Laws enacted by a sovereign law-making body such as a provincial legislature or the House of Commons.
- (Statutes) Laws written and adopted by elected officials, Congress, state legislatures, borough assemblies and city councils (usually called "ordinances" in the latter two cases).
- (Statutes) The Queen’s Printer provides an early consolidation of the BC Statutes. QP LegalEze content includes Private, Special and Local Statutes, with highlighted green text showing updated amendments made since the last official printed consolidation. ...
- (Statutes) The general laws of the state that have been given statute section numbers by legislation or by supreme court order. They are revised every 2 years.
- (Statutes) The written laws approved by legislatures, parliaments or houses of assembly (i.e., politicians). Also known as "legislation".
- (statutes) Acts of parliament that legislate the minimum conditions of employment that must apply in any employer employee relationship.
- (statutes) external commands put forward by a scripture and/or an ecclesiastical faith on the grounds that God commands obedience to such rulesЎXregardless of whether they are moral.
- (Statutory (Federal Aid program)) This refers to the laws passed by Congress which govern real estate acquisition activities for Federal and federally assisted programs and projects. ; The primary statute governing Federal and federally assisted real estate acquisition activities is the Uniform Act.
- (Statutory) Declaration A formal legal statement declaring that a particular step in the appeals process has or has not been complied with, with the aim the enforcement process.
- (Statutory) Mandated or specified by law, or meeting legal requirements. When used in reference to specific deferred compensation plans or stock options, indicates plans or options meet IRS rules to qualify for exemption from taxes or some other special tax treatment.
- (Statutory) Regulated or imposed by a legislatively established rule or law.
- (Statutory) Something that is decided, set up or controlled by statute law
- (Statutory) That which is introduced or governed by statutory law, as opposed to the common law or equity. Thus a court is said to have statutory jurisdiction when jurisdiction is given to it in certain matters by act of the legislature. There you have it. ...
- (Statutory) This means the rights that the law gives you. Your contract may give you extra rights. Your contract cannot give you fewer rights than the law gives you.
- (Statutory) holidays are established by Act of Parliament and are observed, without fail, by federal employees and by most Canadians, although increasingly, statutory holidays are becoming days for shopping and for large sales.
- Statutory Accounting Principles ("SAP") are accounting principles prescribed or permitted by an insurer's domiciliary state. ...
- Statutory plans are passed by bylaw and have legal authority, while nonstatutory plans are not legally binding in the same sense and act as a support to statutory plans. ...
- An act of the legislature. Common law is made up of the various court decisions over the years. Case law may be altered by statute.