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stanch 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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stanches, 3rd person singular present; staunching, present participle; stanched, past participle; staunched, past tense; stanching, present participle; staunches, 3rd person singular present; staunched, past participle; stanched, past tense;
  1. Stop or restrict (a flow of blood) from a wound
    • - colleagues may have saved her life by stanching the flow
    • - the company did nothing to stanch the tide of rumors
  2. Stop the flow of blood from (a wound)

  1. stem: stop the flow of a liquid; "staunch the blood flow"; "stem the tide"
  2. (STANCHED) [ Lk 8:44] stopped or restrained from flowing.
  3. (of Sector 3560): A once benevolent being who was corrupted in body and mind through the pollution of his world, becoming a monstrous killer of the skies.^[32]
  4. an old spelling of staunch: firm; steadfast; loyal. Silver is using the term in a figurative sense of the nautical meaning watertight and seaworthy.
  5. Said of a vessel that is firm, strong, and unlikely to develop leaks.