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stampede 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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stampedes, plural;
  1. (of horses, cattle, or other animals) Rush wildly in a sudden mass panic
    • - the nearby sheep stampeded as if they sensed impending danger
  2. (of people) Move rapidly in a mass
    • - the children stampeded through the kitchen, playing tag or hide-and-seek
  3. Cause (people or animals) to move in such a way
    • - the raiders stampeded 200 mules
    • - don't let them stampede us into anything
  1. A sudden panicked rush of a number of horses, cattle, or other animals

  2. A sudden rapid movement or reaction of a mass of people in response to a particular circumstance or stimulus
    • - a stampede of bargain hunters
  3. A rodeo
    • - the Calgary Stampede

  1. a headlong rush of people on a common impulse; "when he shouted `fire' there was a stampede to the exits"
  2. cause to run in panic; "Thunderbolts can stampede animals"
  3. a wild headlong rush of frightened animals (horses or cattle)
  4. cause a group or mass of people to act on an impulse or hurriedly and impulsively; "The tavern owners stampeded us into overeating"
  5. act, usually en masse, hurriedly or on an impulse; "Companies will now stampede to release their latest software"
  6. run away in a stampede
  7. A stampede is an act of mass impulse among herd animals or a crowd of people in which the herd (or crowd) collectively begins running with no clear direction or purpose.
  8. Stampede is the title of a studio album released by American country music artist Chris LeDoux for. It was his first album released for Capitol Nashville after the Liberty Records name was retired. Overall, it is his 30th album. ...
  9. Stampede is a studio album by Critters Buggin of Seattle, Washington recorded and released in 2004.
  10. Stampede is the second studio album by American heavy metal supergroup Hellyeah. The album was available on June 29 as an MP3 download to fans who pre-ordered it. The music video for "Cowboy Way" premiered on May 20, 2010. The first single, "Hell of a Time", was released on June 1, 2010. ...
  11. Stampede is the eleventh studio album from Swiss band Krokus. It features an almost completely different line-up to that of their last album (with the exception of Fernando Von Arb), and was, perhaps ironically, recorded in the band's home town of Solothurn by Jürg Naegeli, a former member of ...
  12. Stampede is the fifth studio album by American rock band The Doobie Brothers, released in 1975. (see 1975 in music). It was the final album by the band before Michael McDonald took over for Tom Johnston. The album has been certified gold by the RIAA. ...
  13. Stampede is a video game cartridge which was released in 1981 for the Atari 2600 video game console, and the Intellivision video game console in 1982. The game is a left-to-right side-scroller with an overhead, third-person view. It was published by Activision.
  14. A wild, headlong scamper, or running away, of a number of animals; usually caused by fright; hence, any sudden flight or dispersion, as of a crowd or an army in consequence of a panic; To run away in a panic; said of cattle, horses, etc. ...
  15. A group of frightened animals running together to get away from danger. A herdA group of animals that travels and feeds together. of wildebeest might stampedeA group of frightened animals running together to get away from danger. A herd of wildebeest might stampede to escape from a cheetah. ...
  16. A wild and uncontrollable run by a herd of spooked cattle or horses.
  17. Comedy show held during homecoming week.
  18. is a mini-game in Mario Party 8. It is a Challenge mini-game (one player) and the Wii Remote is held straight with the buttons facing the player.
  19. a wild run of a spooked herd of livestock.
  20. A sudden scattering of cattle or horses.
  21. n.; an out-of-control, runaway herd.