- someone entrusted to hold the stakes for two or more persons betting against one another; must deliver the stakes to the winner
- A corporate stakeholder is a party that can affect or be affected by the actions of the business as a whole. The stakeholder concept was first used in a 1963 internal memorandum at the Stanford Research institute. ...
- The term stakeholder, as traditionally used in the English language in law and notably gambling, is a third party who temporarily holds money or property while its owner is still being determined.
- Project stakeholders are those entities within or outside an organization which: a) Sponsor a project or,
- A person holding the stakes of bettors, with the responsibility of delivering the pot to the winner of the bet; An escrow agent or custodian; A person filing an interpleader action, such as a garnishee or trustee, who acknowledges possession of property that is owed to one or more of several ...
- (Stakeholders) People who have a share or an interest, as in an enterprise or a community.
- (Stakeholders) Individuals and organizations that are actively involved in the project, or whose interests may be positively or negatively affected as a result of the project execution/completion. They may also exert influence over the project and its results. ...
- (Stakeholders) Those people who are or will be affected by a real estate development.
- Stakeholders are the people or organizations with an interest or share in an undertaking.
- (Stakeholders) can also be referred to as publics; audiences important to the organisation.
- Stakeholders are people who will be affected by a conflict or the resolution of that conflict. It includes current disputants, and also people who are not currently involved in the conflict but might become involved because they are likely to be affected by the conflict or its outcome sometime ...
- Stakeholders mean the public, including individuals, groups or communities affected, or likely to be affected, by the proposed project activity or actions leading to the implementation of such an activity.
- (Stakeholders) Individuals and groups that affect and/or are affected by an organization and its activities.
- (Stakeholders) Industry activities often affect surrounding areas and populations. People with an interest in these activities are considered stakeholders. ...
- (Stakeholders) Individuals who have an interest in a project. Examples include students, teachers, the project’s source of funding, the sponsoring or host organization, internal project administrators, participants, parents, community members and other potential program users.
- (Stakeholders) The names of individuals or groups that are to be notified prior to any major changes to the Term Set.
- Stakeholders are groups or individuals that have an interest in agency or program performance. Stakeholders may not be direct customers of a program's products or services.
- (Stakeholders) persons or groups who will be directly affected by the actions of a committee.
- (Stakeholders) Those with a stake in the cost and quality of health care services, including patients, employers, providers, and government.
- (Stakeholders) People who have a vested interest in the success of the project or are involved in the implementation of the project.
- (Stakeholders) All parties that have an interest, financial or otherwise, in a firm-stockholders, creditors, bondholders, employees, customers, management, the community, and the government.
- (Stakeholders) A stakeholder is someone who has a stake in an organization or program. Stakeholders either affect the organization/program or are affected by it. Stakeholders include:
- (Stakeholders) People who have an interest in the organisation at any level, or at any distance both internal and external, e.g. customers, shareholders, clients, employees, landlords, board members, suppliers, contractors.
- (Stakeholders) The people involved in a project that have a vested interest in or are directly affected by the outcome. At OHSU, this can include managers and executives, as well as students or administrators.
- (Stakeholders) the individual(s) and organization(s) that will be affected by the results of the assessment or evaluation. Stakeholders may include individuals involved in program operations, those served or affected by the program, and the intended users of the assessment or evaluation. ...