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stagnate 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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stagnated, past tense; stagnated, past participle; stagnates, 3rd person singular present; stagnating, present participle;
  1. (of water or air) Cease to flow or move; become stagnant

  2. Cease developing; become inactive or dull
    • - teaching can easily stagnate into a set of routines
    • - stagnating consumer confidence

  1. stand still; "Industry will stagnate if we do not stimulate our economy"
  2. cause to stagnate; "There are marshes that stagnate the waters"
  3. cease to flow; stand without moving; "Stagnating waters"; "blood stagnates in the capillaries"
  4. idle: be idle; exist in a changeless situation; "The old man sat and stagnated on his porch"; "He slugged in bed all morning"
  5. (stagnation) a state of inactivity (in business or art etc); "economic growth of less than 1% per year is considered to be economic stagnation"
  6. (stagnation) inactivity of liquids; being stagnant; standing still; without current or circulation
  7. (Stagnation (Ussr)) Period of stagnation, also known as Brezhnevian Stagnation (or Brezhnev stagnation), the Stagnation Period, or the Era of Stagnation, refers to a period of economic stagnation under Leonid Brezhnev in the history of the Soviet Union that started in the mid-1970s.
  8. To cease motion, activity, or progress; to come to rest; to cease to advance or change; to become idle or cease to flow
  9. (stagnating) the stage in a relationship that finds communication between the parties at a standstill.
  10. (Stagnation) a blockage or buildup of qi or blood that prevents it from flowing freely. Is a precursor of illness and disease and is frequently accompanied by pain or tingling.
  11. (Stagnation) The utilization of an economy’s resources below their potential. Stagnation might occur for two reasons: 1) the growth of the rate of output below the rate of population growth; and 2) the existence of insufficient aggregate demand that may prevent an economy from achieving its ...
  12. (Stagnation) A period of slow economic growth, or, in securities trading, a period of inactive trading.
  13. (Stagnation) Stability in growth is a goal of the private-enterprise system. This means that there aren't any drastic changes in prices and the economy is moving forward at an acceptable rate. ...
  14. (Stagnation) With respect to air pollution, stagnation is the persistence of a given volume of stable air over a region, resulting in an abnormal buildup of pollutants from sources within the region.
  15. (stagnation) Lack of motion in a mass of air or water that holds pollutants in place.
  16. (stagnation) a state of inactivity leading to decay.
  17. Stagnation is the in situ melting of glacier ice. Many glaciers have stagnant termini, covered by thick sediment debris. Some support vegetation, including mature forests. Source: Bruce Molnia
  18. When something stops improving. Also used when a plan is not developing anymore.