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squelch 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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squelches, 3rd person singular present; squelching, present participle; squelched, past tense; squelched, past participle;
  1. Make a soft sucking sound such as that made by walking heavily through mud
    • - bedraggled guests squelched across the lawn to seek shelter
  2. Forcefully silence or suppress
    • - property developers tried to squelch public protest
  1. A soft sucking sound made when pressure is applied to liquid or mud
    • - the squelch of their feet
  2. A circuit that suppresses the output of a radio receiver if the signal strength falls below a certain level

  1. put-down: a crushing remark
  2. suppress or crush completely; "squelch any sign of dissent"; "quench a rebellion"
  3. squelch circuit: an electric circuit that cuts off a receiver when the signal becomes weaker than the noise
  4. make a sucking sound
  5. walk through mud or mire; "We had to splosh across the wet meadow"
  6. squash: to compress with violence, out of natural shape or condition; "crush an aluminum can"; "squeeze a lemon"
  7. (squelched) quelled: subdued or overcome; "the quelled rebellion"; "an uprising quenched almost before it started"; "a squelched rumor"
  8. In telecommunications, squelch is a circuit function that acts to suppress the audio (or video) output of a receiver in the absence of a sufficiently strong desired input signal.
  9. A squelching sound; to halt, stop, eliminate, stamp out, or put down, often suddenly or by force; to suppress the unwanted hiss or static between received transmissions by adjusting the gain of your receiver; to make a sucking, splashing noise as when walking on muddy ground; to walk or step ...
  10. A circuit in a radio receiver that quiets the receiver until the strength of a received signal exceeds a specified level.
  11. the transciever control which reduces or silences STATIC or NOISE; derived from quell; see RADIO, BREAK SQUELCH. Also, to stifle, suppress, quash; see BREAK, EOT, SUPPRESSOR. Also, to make sucking or splashing sounds.
  12. A function found on some wireless microphone systems that allows the user to set the receiver to mute or gate itself when the carrier falls below a specified level. ...
  13. The control on a receiver that automatically quiets a receiver by reducing its gain.
  14. To steal. "Don't squelch my style." (Online Slang Dictionary)