- a short high-pitched noise; "the squeak of shoes on powdery snow"
- whine: make a high-pitched, screeching noise; "The door creaked when I opened it slowly"; "My car engine makes a whining noise"
- close call: something achieved (or escaped) by a narrow margin
- (squeaking) screaky: having or making a high-pitched sound such as that made by a mouse or a rusty hinge
- Squeak! was a children's TV show made by SMG Productions (now known as STV Productions) for the ITV network children's strand CITV. The show was re-broadcast on STV in 2009 as part of their children's strand wknd@stv. There is a DVD boxset available which features all the episodes. ...
- The Squeak programming language is a Smalltalk implementation. Some Squeak users refer to Squeak as a programming language rather than as a Smalltalk implementation. It is object-oriented, class-based and reflective.
- (The Squeaks) This is a list of fictional characters in the Kirby video game series developed by Nintendo.
- A short, high-pitched sound, as of two objects rubbing together, or the calls of small animals; A card game similar to group solitaire; To emit a short, high-pitched sound; To inform, to squeal; To speak or sound in a high-pitched manner; To empty the pile of 13 cards a player deals to ...
- (squeaking) to escape or to get by narrowly.
- (Squeaks) Information obtained by the overt use of intimidation or torture.
- (Squeaks) Walk heavily over the floor, bouncing on your toes to detect squeaks, creaks.
- The sound made by the Newton device after pressing and holding the pen on the screen until a large dot appears. Used to indicate the start of an action to selecting a block of text or a shape. See also Heavy Mark. Source: ER
- A sound resembling that of an unlubricated hinge. A sound made by PVC or other material rubbing on glass, i.e. a windshield.
- the trademark sound from a fresh cheese curd. Squeak should be high-pitched, audible with every bite and sound comparable to "balloons trying to neck," (The New York Times). *Note: Squeak may be lost 12 hours after opening package.
- An expression used particularly with Two-stroke engines where the Pistons have run without sufficient lubrication. It is caused by a poor Injection system or a pre-mix that is too lean (not enough oil in the Gasoline).
- The only sign that the woodwind reeds give that they are actually playing.
- A narrow escape, a chance: he had a squeak for his life.
- qıjıldaģan tawuş, qıjıldarģa
- Infant distress signal