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squawk 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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squawked, past participle; squawks, 3rd person singular present; squawking, present participle; squawked, past tense;
  1. (of a bird) Make a loud, harsh noise
    • - the geese flew upriver, squawking
  2. (of a person) Say something in a loud, discordant tone
    • - “What are you doing?” she squawked
  3. Complain or protest about something

  1. A loud, harsh or discordant noise made by a bird or a person

  2. A complaint or protest
    • - her plan provoked a loud squawk from her friends

  1. the noise of squawking; "she awoke to the squawk of chickens"; "the squawk of car horns"
  2. utter a harsh abrupt scream
  3. gripe: complain; "What was he hollering about?"
  4. gripe: informal terms for objecting; "I have a gripe about the service here"
  5. Squawk is Budgie's second album. Released in September 1972, this recording was certified Gold in 1973. The cover art was by Roger Dean.
  6. A transponder (short-for Transmitter-responder and sometimes abbreviated to XPDR , XPNDR , TPDR or TP) is an electronic device that produces a response when it receives a radio-frequency interrogation. ...
  7. Squawks or short wheezes are brief "squeaky" sounds that are also referred to as squeaks. Their waveforms show a sinusoidal pattern with a duration 10 to 100 ms and a frequency between 200 and 800 Hz. ...
  8. A shrill noise, especially made by a voice; a yell, scream, or call; A four-digit transponder code used by aircraft for identification or transmission of emergency signals; An issue or complaint related to aircraft maintenance; The American night heron; To make a squawking noise; to yell, ...
  9. (Squawks) short, inspiratory wheeze-like sounds that have been described in pneumonia, hypersensitivity pneumonitis, and other fibrotic disorders. Squawk duration is usually longer than 20ms and shorter than 100ms. The frequency is usually higher than 400Hz.
  10. Squawks is a parrot who originated in Donkey Kong Country. Squawks is featured in Donkey Kong Country 2: Diddy's Kong Quest, Donkey Kong Country 3: Dixie Kong's Double Trouble!, and Donkey Kong 64. Squawks is featured as a usable item in Donkey Kong Barrel Blast. ...
  11. A four-digit number dialed into his transponder by a pilot to identify his aircraft to air traffic controllers
  12. to transmit, or to activate a transponder broadcast with "modes and codes"; see IFF, WEFT, ELT, INS, HOMER, PIPSQUEAK, PAINT, IR MARKERS, SCRAM, BITCHIN' BETTY, PEANUT, LOCATOR BEACON. [nb: IFF code 7700 is reserved for emergency SQUAWK]
  13. Select a code or function using aircraft transponder.
  14. (NOUN) The radio transmission of the radar transponder onboard an aircraft. (VERB) Also the ATC instruction to the pilot to set one of 4,096 possible codes to identify the aircraft on controller radar. ...
  15. A term to differentiate two kinds of point-to-point intercom. A squawk type intercom allows instantaneous momentary communication. The Model 810 in the "squawk" configuration (momentary buttons only) is a pure squawk system. ...
  16. Activate specific modes/codes/functions on the aircraft transponder; e.g., "Squawk three/alpha, two one zero five, low."
  17. Instruction to an airplane to set a specific transponder code (i.e. “Squawk 1234″)
  18. to transmit an assigned code via a transponder (see SSR below).
  19. Ta'doww (Southwest Area of SD Ca.)