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squadron 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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squadrons, plural;
  1. An operational unit in an air force consisting of two or more flights of aircraft and the personnel required to fly them

  2. A principal division of an armored or cavalry regiment, consisting of two or more troops

  3. A group of warships detached on a particular duty or under the command of a flag officer

  4. A large group of people or things
    • - he immediately commissioned a squadron of architects

  1. a cavalry unit consisting of two or more troops and headquarters and supporting arms
  2. an air force unit larger than a flight and smaller than a group
  3. a naval unit that is detached from the fleet for a particular task
  4. A squadron was historically a cavalry sub unit. It is still used to refer to modern horse or armoured units but can also be used as a designation for other arms and services.
  5. A squadron in air force, army aviation or naval aviation typically consists of three or four flights, with a total of 12 to 24 aircraft, depending on aircraft type and air force. In the Imperial Japanese Army in the Second World War, three air squadrons were assigned to each air regiment. ...
  6. A squadron, or naval squadron, is a unit of 3-4 major warships, transport ships, submarines, or sometimes small craft that may be part of a larger task force or a fleet. ...
  7. Squadron is a British television series produced by the BBC in 1982.
  8. Primarily, a square; hence, a square body of troops; a body of troops drawn up in a square; A body of cavalry comprising two companies or troops, and averaging from one hundred and twenty to two hundred soldiers; A detachment of vessels employed on any particular service or station, under the ...
  9. In the Naval Service (i) a group of vessels, normally commanded by a Commander; (ii) a group of naval aircraft, normally commanded by a Commander; (iii) a group of particular personnel, such as divers, commanded by a Commander; (iv) a group of Royal Marines on board ship or an amphibious assault ...
  10. A squadron typically averages 115 cadets of all class designations. Additionally, each squadron and group has a full-time Air Officer Commanding (AOC) who commands the unit. The Cadet Wing is approximately 5,000 strong and is composed of 4 groups of 10 squadrons each
  11. In the PAF this was split into Flight A and B. Operationally these were split into colour coded sections of 3. Each flight had 14 Pilots/ planes.
  12. The basic military aviation unit; several squadrons could be put together to form a ‘wing’; and many more squadrons put together could form a ‘group’.
  13. a military unit equivalent to an Army battalion (BN), subordinate to a regiment (RGT); Air Force squadrons are subordinate to a GROUP, and Naval squadrons are subordinate to a FLOTILLA; abbreviated SQDN.
  14. A military organization unit within a cavalry regiment commanded by a Captain or Major with a strength of 60 to 150 men.
  15. In Army terminology, a unit or sub-unit equivalent to a company in the infantry. In the Air Force or aviation units, it refers to an organisation of aircraft or personnel, depending on the context. In the Navy, it refers to an organisation of ships. ...
  16. One of four operational forces in an air force Group
  17. A Cavalry Regiment is composed of a number of squadrons varying upon time and country.
  18. Refers to an organized group of pilots. The 242nd Suicide Kings and 203rd Scorpions are two examples.
  19. At AMA, Cavalry and Aviation organizational level consisting of two or more company-level units; in the Infantry and Artillery, the equivalent unit is the Battalion.
  20. In the most general sense, a squadron is any detachment of warships on some special duty. In the British Navy, it was one of three divisions -- the red, blue, or white -- of the fleet forming one body under the command of a flag-officer.
  21. A squadron is a unit at the community, or county-level. A squadron must have a minimum of 15 members, three of which must be senior members. Many are "composite" squadrons that means that members include both senior and cadet members.
  22. A squadron is a unit that has over 51 cadets. A squadron usually consist of three of four flights.
  23. A company-sized aerospace unit.
  24. a group of ten or less warships
  25. Two troops of cavalry