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sputter 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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sputtering, present participle; sputtered, past tense; sputters, 3rd person singular present; sputtered, past participle;
  1. Make a series of soft explosive sounds, typically when being heated or as a symptom of a fault
    • - the engine sputtered and stopped
  2. Speak in a series of incoherent bursts as a result of indignation or some other strong emotion
    • - “But … but …” she sputtered
  3. Emit with a spitting sound
    • - the goose is in the oven, sputtering fat
  4. Proceed or develop in a spasmodic and feeble way
    • - strikes in the public services sputtered on
  5. Deposit (metal) on a surface by using fast ions to eject particles of it from a target

  6. Cover (a surface) with metal by this method

  1. A series of soft explosive sounds, typically produced by an engine or by something heating or burning
    • - the sputter of the motor died away

  1. spatter: the noise of something spattering or sputtering explosively; "he heard a spatter of gunfire"
  2. make an explosive sound; "sputtering engines"
  3. an utterance (of words) with spitting sounds (as in rage)
  4. cause to undergo a process in which atoms are removed; "The solar wind protons must sputter away the surface atoms of the dust"
  5. clamber: climb awkwardly, as if by scrambling
  6. splutter: spit up in an explosive manner
  7. Sputtering is a process whereby atoms are ejected from a solid target material due to bombardment of the target by energetic particles. It is commonly used for thin-film deposition, etching and analytical techniques (see below).
  8. Moist matter thrown out in small detached particles; also, confused and hasty speech; To spit, or to emit saliva from the mouth in small, scattered portions, as in rapid speaking; To utter words hastily and indistinctly; to speak so rapidly as to emit saliva; To throw out anything, as little ...
  9. (Sputtering) A process used to apply photovoltaic semiconductor material to a substrate by a physical vapor deposition process where high-energy ions are used to bombard elemental sources of semiconductor material, which eject vapors of atoms that are then deposited in thin layers on a substrate.
  10. (Sputtering) 1. The ejection of atoms or groups of atoms from the surface of the cathode (negative electrode) of a vacuum tube as the result of heavy-ion impact. 2. The use of this process to deposit a thin layer of metal on a glass, plastic, metal, or other surface in a vacuum.
  11. (Sputtering) A metal coating process for the glasses surface.
  12. (Sputtering) A method used to form a thin-film by making a high-speed ion collide with metal in a low-pressure gas and adhering the released metal atoms to a substrate. Spatter means "sprinkle." The metal used to make ion collide is called a sputtering target.
  13. (Sputtering) A process for coating moulded CDs with aluminium whereby an aluminium target is bombarded with particles causing the aluminium to be deposited on the CD surface. Sputtering is also used to deposit Gold or Silicon on the semi-reflective layer of dual layer DVD-9 discs.
  14. (Sputtering) Deposition based on bombarding a source by ions from a gas plasma. Knocked out atoms lose their directionality when passing through the plasma on their way to the substrate.
  15. (Sputtering) Occurs when the electrode in a neon tube, because of the heat and electrical forces, gradually erodes, blackening the ends of the tube near the electrode and decreasing gas pressure, eventually making the tube inoperative.
  16. (Sputtering) The process by which a thin layer of metal or silicon is deposited onto a polycarbonate disc. Material bombarded by electrically-charged particles (ions) in a vacuum is knocked loose and precipitates onto the surface of a substrate forming a thin coating.
  17. (Sputtering) The release of one or more molecules from a cathode surface when that surface is struck by a high-energy ion.
  18. (Sputtering) Using the so-called magnetron procedure, a precious-metal film is applied to the float glass “offline”, i.e., after the production process, by means of vacuum cathode sputtering.
  19. (Sputtering) a process used to deposit materials where a plasma is used to generate ions, the ions are attracted to a target, the ions impact the target and physically knock loose target atoms, and the atoms knocked loose condense out on wafers placed in the chamber depositing a film. ...
  20. (sputtering) Designation for plasma cleaning involving the bombardment of high energy ions from a plasma onto a surface, thereby ablating surface atoms. In pure sputter processes, Argon is often employed as process gas. Plasma cleaning by sputtering is also called “micro-sandblasting”. ...
  21. Sputtering is a process used to deposit a very thin film onto a substrate whilst in a vacuum. A high voltage is passed across low pressure gas to create a plasma of electrons and ions in a high energy state. ...
  22. (sputters) (adj.) - makes hissing or spitting sounds "The engine sputtered as my car came to a stop and I relized I was out of gas."