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spoor 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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spoors, plural;
  1. Follow the track or scent of (an animal or person)
    • - taking the spear, he set off to spoor the man
  1. The track or scent of an animal
    • - they searched around the hut for a spoor
    • - the trail is marked by wolf spoor

  1. the trail left by a person or an animal; what the hunter follows in pursuing game; "the hounds followed the fox's spoor"
  2. Spoor is a 1994 compilation album by Thin White Rope. It brings together the Red Sun EP, various singles, and demo versions of songs.
  3. Spoor is any sign of a creature. Spoor includes track, trail and droppings. Spoor is useful for discovering or surveying what types of animals live in an area, or in animal tracking.
  4. Spoor (Andrew Hamish Grave) is a fictional comic book character appearing in Marvel Comics. He first appeared in Uncanny X-Men #300 and was a member of the Acolytes. His real name was established in Excalibur #89. ...
  5. Traces which can be directly related to the subject being tracked (e.g. footprints in offender's size and type of shoe, shell casings from the weapon known to be carried, blood of offender's type).
  6. Spoor means a set of tracks laid upon the ground and visible to a tracker. For example, "following the spoor." Spoor is totally interchangeable with the words "tracks", "trail", and "set of prints".
  7. trail of a wild animal funny times