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spay 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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spays, 3rd person singular present; spaying, present participle; spayed, past participle; spayed, past tense;
  1. Sterilize (a female animal) by removing the ovaries
    • - the animals must be spayed or neutered before they are given up for adoption

  1. alter: remove the ovaries of; "Is your cat spayed?"
  2. (spaying) neutering a female by removing the ovaries
  3. Lieutenant General Gerardo Pérez Pinedo Airport is a small regional airport serving Atalaya, Ucayali Region, Peru. It is known in Spanish as Aeropuerto Teniente General Gerardo Pérez Pinedo, with Teniente General often abbreviated as Tnte. Gral. ...
  4. Spay may refer to: *Neutering *Spay, Germany
  5. Spay is a municipality in the district of Mayen-Koblenz in Rhineland-Palatinate, western Germany. It is located on the left bank of the Rhine. It lies within the Rhine Gorge which became a UNESCO World Heritage Site in 2002.
  6. Spayed is an independent punk band from Mexico, which also spends time in Spain and the UK.
  7. (Spaying) Neutering, from the Latin neuter (of neither sex), is the removal of an animal's reproductive organ, either all of it or a considerably large part. It is the most drastic surgical procedure with sterilizing purposes. ...
  8. Rare spelling of spayard; To remove or destroy the ovaries (of an animal) in order that it cannot become pregnant
  9. (Spayed) A female whose ovaries have been removed surgically
  10. surgically removing the ovaries and uterus. Also known as “ovariohysterectomy”.
  11. An abdominal surgical procedure where the ovaries and uterus are removed to prevent reproduction, “heat” cycles and uterine infections in animals. Sterilization for a female pet.
  12. Spay means dog. Dog is to watch his owner's house and belongings. That is why a dog has rights in narkh. No one shall kill any other's spay. If one does so, he is liable to por. The beating of a spay has tawan if not done in self defence. ...
  13. spay: To surgically remove the reproductive organs of the female cat. A \"spay\" is a spayed female cat.
  14. any surgical process that prevents a female cat from becoming pregnant.
  15. To remove a bitch’s ovaries to prevent conception.
  16. Operation to remove female rabbit sex organs.
  17. Spaying refers to the operation in which the ovaries and uterus are removed from the female dog (bitch). This prevents the bitch from coming into heat and reproducing.
  18. Surgical removal of the uterus and ovaries, permanently preventing a female Cat or Dog from Reproducing, usually done around six months of age.