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spasm 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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spasms, plural;
  1. A sudden involuntary muscular contraction or convulsive movement

  2. A sudden and brief spell of an activity or sensation
    • - a spasm of coughing woke him
  3. Prolonged involuntary muscle contraction
    • - the airways in the lungs go into spasm

  1. a painful and involuntary muscular contraction
  2. (pathology) sudden constriction of a hollow organ (as a blood vessel)
  3. A spasm is a sudden, involuntary contraction of a muscle, a group of muscles, or a hollow organ, or a similarly sudden contraction of an orifice. It is sometimes accompanied by a sudden burst of pain, but is usually harmless and ceases after a few minutes. ...
  4. Spasm is the title of English metal band Peach's fifth release, released in 1993. It was originally released as a 2-track 7" Vinyl and is now extremely rare. This song has been covered in concert by the band Tool, who Peach's former bass player Justin Chancellor is now a part of.
  5. Spasms is a 1983 Canadian horror film directed by William Fruet. The screenplay by Fruet and Don Enright is based on the novel Death Bite by Michael Maryk and Brent Monahan. The film stars Peter Fonda as Dr. ...
  6. (spastically) In a spastic way; accompanied by spasms
  7. (spasms) muscle movements such as those in the colon that cause pain, cramps, and diarrhea.
  8. (Spasms) A type of seizure that occurs in infants with infantile spasms/West syndrome, characterized by frequent jerks of the body.
  9. A spasm is an uncontrollable and sudden tightening of a muscle or group of muscles.
  10. Muscle soreness induced by exercise; is the result of reduced muscle blood flow, which results in pain.
  11. An involuntary and abnormal muscular contraction; also, a sudden violent and temporary effort or emotion. [Click Here To Return To List]
  12. A term used to describe the involuntary jerky muscle movements that can be experienced below the level of spinal injury. It is important not to confuse these with voluntary controlled movement.
  13. A muscle's protective splinting mechanism
  14. An abrupt and forceful contraction of a muscle, usually maintained for several minutes or hours and frequently associated with marked pain.
  15. movement of a muscle that causes cramping and pain.
  16. [from Greek spasmos convulsion] Twitching, or involuntary contraction, of the thing indicated by the stem or prefix (chirospasm).
  17. Spasm is a general medical term for a sudden involuntary muscle movement. Like some other medical terms, it can be used to refer to a variety of disorders, from benign muscle spasm which can occur with muscle injury or excessive activity to seizure activity due to epilepsy. ...
  18. An involuntary contraction or a muscle group. It can be associated with anxiety or fear as well as with a neurological disorder.
  19. A sudden, involuntary muscle contraction that produces pain; spasms can occur when a muscle or ligament in the back is torn or when a disk or facet joint is injured.
  20. A brief, automatic jerking movement. When the muscle tightens, it can be quite painful. Spasms in various types of tissue may be caused by stress, medications, too much exercise or other factors.
  21. Increased tension with or without shortening of a muscle due to nonvoluntary motor nerve activity.  Spasm is identified by motor unit potentials that cannot be terminated by voluntary relaxation.  To be distinguished from contracture.
  22. Involuntary shortening of muscle fiber. Spasm often occurs after an injury, but many things can cause it. During spasm, muscles cannot be relaxed and the associated joints have a decreased range of motion.
  23. Pronunciation: \ˈspaz-əm\
  24. Sudden, strong muscle tightening.
  25. An excessive muscle contraction.  If this occurs in the wall of the intestine it may result in symptoms such as diarrhoea and cramping pain.